3 Things All Articles Need To Be Successful

here are three things all articles need to be successful. Search engines use automated software to build their databases. Spiders, as they are called, “crawl” collecting the content of the data that is contained on any web page and is added to a search index. The search word or phrase typed in a browser is checked against this index.

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The word “it” can be a keyword but due to its high frequency of use, imagine if that word was typed into a browser, what kind of return it would receive. It is a rather simple way of explaining the importance of keywords: the better the choice in a search or what is typed in a browser, the greater the probability of getting a list of worthwhile websites.

The importance of getting on the first page of any of the search engines is that people will usually stop at that page and select from that list. Sometimes, searchers go to subsequent pages, but not often.

At this time, the number of websites is in the billions. The number is growing every day and it will never decrease. The competition to get noticed, to sell, or to provide services increases as well and will continue to do so. It is vital to select the most appropriate, the most beneficial material from which high quality content is generated to successfully direct prospects to your website.

Below you will read about three things all articles need which may make them successful in attracting readers and creating interest in your website.

Keywords and Keyword Phrases

Create your article around well selected keywords and keyword phrases. As stated, specific keywords are typed in the browser. Thinking like your prospective customer can help you select the type of keyword he or she may use to find the type of service you provide. Your website already has keywords relating to your content. If your article contains the same or similar keywords, you increase the chance of a higher ranking, or appearing on the first or second page of a search engine list.

Nature II by Allison L. Williams Hill

The trades-persons may be the best positioned professionals: all of us, unless we live under rocks, need plumbers, septic tank builders, roofers, etc. If you work with septic systems, you might use a keyword like “septic system installer”. That is good. However, when a system is in and operating, you will get very few requests for work. It is when a system fails that people will go to their computers and attempt to find you. A prospect may type in “emergency septic system repair”. Think like your prospects and include those words and phrases in your keyword list.

Many businesses are realizing the power of local listing. In addition to traditional advertising like the yellow pages, classified newspaper ads, and the like, including the city or town you are located in refines the search exposing you to a captive group of prospects who are within a stone’s throw of your business.  Including your location may increase your opportunities of finding business quicker.

Article submission websites’ number of keywords and phrases is determined by the number of available characters within a box you fill out. An example of a list from one of my articles is below:

I brainstormed them first then cut and pasted as many that could fit.

Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to the frequency that keywords are used within the article. Maintain a proportion in relation to the number of words used overall. An article can have several submitted keywords and key phrases.  Use them appropriately. 

Use them appropriately.  Remember you need to  think like the prospect when developing them.   However, if they appear too often, this can be viewed by spiders as spam.  Search engines have polices about this.  Your site can be “removed” from the indexed results and not appear on any list, certainly not the first page.

Quality Content

Write what you think people want to learn, be informed about.   An overt advertisement may ensure after clicking on the exciting title of your article the text may not be read after your intention is discovered.   People do not like being deceived.  They can “vote” with their mice.  They have the power to select where they use their time. 

Capture them with well written, interesting, informative information.  Make the information so useful that is will be considered valuable.  They will think they got value for nothing and that may encourage them  to return.  Because you appear that confident that you can give valuable, helpful content, people may show their appreciation by paying for services the next time.



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In-Vesica Health Program Approach

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