Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

lack Hat Sect Feng shui,  an art of placement,  in architectural and interior, for example, assigns areas in space to a specific function.   You can either place the bagua, above, over a floor plan of the home or office or apply it to each living space within it. The same area of any space has the same value. Feng shui works primarily in intent. The same location, regardless of the space, can contain a similar representation of a thought.

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You want better relationships, for example. If you have eight rooms, you could get into great detail by applying eight related representations in the same area of all of the rooms. This area is the far right corner in relation to the room's entrance.

The Bagua

How to Use the Bagua in a Different Way

First, create a story. Write a couple of paragraphs on the type of relationships that would benefit you - professionally, or personally - and the persons involved.

Tokyo Park Marker by Allison L. Williams Hill 

Select the remedies to trigger your thoughts when you look at them or even remember that they are in the room. A pink bow (a remedy I used and I felt it worked) in the far right corner opposite the door would attract intimate relationships. Place images of couples in various places - in parks at picnics, in theaters, at events - in the same area in each of the other rooms.

If marriage is a desire, one should show a couple with all of the objects that represent that ceremony. Include a time line and be specific.

Gifts from Spirit - Prophesy by Allison L. Williams Hill 

The reinforcement of thinking the thoughts that support your intentions make this process a dynamic, energy-driven activity. Thoughts are things, built with consistency and manifest in accordance to the type of energy you give. 

The reinforcement of thinking the thoughts that support your intentions make this process a dynamic, energy-driven activity. Thoughts are things, build with consistency and manifest in accordance to energy you give.

The colors used for feng shui do not necessarily match the colors suggested for vision boards. Mix them so both energetic intentions are included.

  • Knowledge/Meditation/Mountain-Blue
  • Family/Ancestors/Thunder-Green
  • Wealth/Wind-Purple
  • Fame/Fire -Red
  • Partnership/Earth - Pink 
  • Children/Creativity - White 
  • Helpful People/Heaven - Gray
  • Career - Black

I find Catherine Ponder's work on prosperity that included meanings for colors also empowering.  I would include both, opening the possibilities for interesting décor combinations.   


·        Gold and/or green for finance.

·        Yellow for spiritual.

·        White for understanding.

·        Blue for intellectual accomplishments.

·        Orange and/or bright yellow for health.

·        Pink, rose and/or bright red for love.

Images make excellent remedies or, as I like to call them, reminders when placed in the designated areas representing your intentions. They will serve to remind you of your thoughts about what you wish to achieve. As stated above, personal mementos serve well. You can:

  •     create your own images, drawn or collages;
  •     personalize posters and prints with frames, and 
  •    with additional images pasted to the image itself.


Include what makes you unique. The elements do not have to be Chinese. If you are an American, use American coins. If you like a fragrance that reminds you of what you wish to achieve, then use it. If the sound of water stimulates fond memories that you associate with what you want to achieve, include a fountain or two. 

I wrote an article about expanding the vision board through-out your home.  Read The Three Dimensional Vision Board:  Empower Your Desires in 3D .

Stonehenge, By Allison L. Williams Hill

Nature's Multi-Purpose Creation

The snowflake’s composition and geometric perfection makes it an exceptional feng shui wealth remedy.

A lot of dedicated people documented fascinating information on water crystals.

According to Patrick Flanagan, we consume them in water. “In theory, liquid water, even when boiling, has microscopically tiny ‘ice bergs’ of crystalline water within it, liquid crystals that retain their set structure, whereas, the rest of the water is randomly oriented, vibrating vigorously. Cooling water automatically creates more of the crystals until nearly the whole mass becomes crystalline ice.” (1)

I have read that the hexagonal shape is preferred by inorganic life. Organic life prefers the pentagonal (remember starfish). The images of snowflakes available here clearly dispute this.

Snowflakes! They are the perfect form for the Wealth or Prosperity area. Wind is the Feng Shui element for this area. 

Why? Because snowflakes are:

1. The products of Wind and Water

2. Frozen animation

3. Embody energy- the result of wind’s action on water, and

4. They are light enough to be transported by the element of this area.

Snowflakes can be displayed in this corner (far left from the entrance) in various ways, either dynamic or static. Snowflakes, because of their intrinsic nature, do not always need to presented mobile.

Dr. Masaro Emoto documented the beauty of positive words spoken to water. I feel water responds to the feelings of the speaker. Meditation and prayers to water involve speaking directly to it in a container. No one has differentiated between leaving it on a surface or placing your hands around it. In Silva Mind Method, the container is held between hands. You achieve level and then you speak, to the container. 

Energy – your focused feelings of compassion, gratitude, and appreciation are absorbed by the water.

Suggestions for symbols:

• Masaru Emoto’s images available through his online store

• Snowflake designs etched on glass and framed either in white or, the color of this area, navy blue.

• Snowflake mobiles made from thin Styrofoam originally created for applying on windows;

• A mobile snowflake like the one I found at Cracker Barrel several years ago made out of metal and marbles. 




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The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

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