In-Vesica Integrated Coaching

n-Vesica Integrated Health Coaching, formerly known as Full Spectrum Living, helps you achieve your choices about the life you want to live.

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You can choose how you want your life to be and feel satisfaction as you live it.

Part of that is learning to work within certain conditions that may be inevitable.

You can learn to:

    * become aware of exactly how to create and maintain the right things necessary to have a stress- free, and even a joyful life, and

    * integrate tools you like to use to help balance your life and govern what happens in it rather than allowing the things you choose to do in your life to control you.

River 2 by Allison L. Williams Hill

Take a look at how your life is unfolding and if you are unhappy with it, 
In-Vesica can help you to learn to correct the elements that are not working to your advantage and discover ways to help you make the correct food and lifestyle choices.

What To Expect

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

Health coaching is administered in workshops on nutrition, and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling on weight management, emotional eating, self-image issues to African-Americans, men, women, and children; professional women; caregivers, and healers.

Every diet ever written has someone’s name on it or a culture or condition, or religion associated with it.  That does not mean it will work for you.  Each of us is uniquely individual.  Small tweaks here and there separate us to the extent that food and lifestyle plans are specific to environmental and physical conditions.

Your personalized program will radically improve your health and happiness if you implement the changes. Together, we will explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

You will…
    * Set and accomplish goals
    * Explore new foods and preparation methods
    * Understand and reduce cravings
    * Increase energy and vitality
    * Feel better in your body
    * Explore new activities that work with your lifestyle
    * Improve personal relationships
    * Actively address the totality of your life
    * Explore ways of accessing energy

Food changes everything. As your daily diet changes, your body changes and your happiness improves. Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy and excitement every day.

What the Institute for Integrative Nutrition gave due attention to is a concept called Primary Food.  Joshua Rosenthal, the founder, noticed that no matter how pristine one's diet or food plan is, if it is not coupled with right thinking and feeling, its effect is rendered almost useless.

As the Mind and heart must be in harmony in order to use the nutritious contributions one consumes, my work looks at energy center integration and the fulfillment of four areas of your life all of which need to be attended. A simple question to ask yourself is: "Am I happy?" Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of "Wisdom of Your Cells", shattered accepted dogma with new information that folds so beautifully as whipped egg whites into batter: our thoughts directly affect our physical bodies.  And Dr. Candace Pert, author of "Molecules of Emotion" proved our emotions affect our physical bodies.  What both acknowledge is that:

  •         Your body is energy influenced by energy.


  •       Thought is energy. 


  •        Thought influences your body.


“The subconscious holds the beliefs that the young mind selected and stored between the ages of 2 and 5.  The beliefs serve to protect, when they are the correct beliefs to have.  When imbedded beliefs block what can improve your life, they need to be reprogrammed. 

“Regardless of what you do to change yourself, those beliefs, if left in place, may make it difficult for you to sustain. Full Spectrum Living looks to see if any blocks exist to maximize the time and energy you are investing into your new undertaking.

“The best question to ask yourself is: "Am I happy?" If the answer is no, then "Why?"

The Roam by Allison L. Williams Hill

Bio-individuality means every single person's biochemistry is different. Each of us has a unique set of factors that influence our existence.

As we change, how we wish to move may change.What we may have been able to do and can no longer do should not be a source of regret. It should become a desire for change and for recovery because the body continually regenerates.

You actually do have that much power. 

Getting Started

When would you like to talk with me about your health and receive the personal attention you deserve?  We can sit for an hour to discuss your life's nutrition and future goals in a supportive environment.  It's all about helping you to facilitate change.

Why do you want to change your life?

What would you need to do to change your life?

What would you want to do to change your life?

Find out by scheduling a free consultation with me.

We will discuss your unique situation in depth and determine how I can help you reach your personal goals.

About Allison

I received my training to practice Health Coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which is the only nutrition school integrating all of the different dietary theories—combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, the Zone,  and raw foods.

In addition, I studied architecture and urban planning, and integrate feng shui and geomancy in designing living spaces.  I studied Silva Mind Control, where my journey began; spiritual studies with the late Raphael di Angelo; metaphysics, neural linguistic programming, and apply energy to humans and pets physically and at a distance.  I studied psychic art and channel information to create pieces for pleasure and contemplation.   I also knit, crochet, and sew for personal expression and as a business.   I patented one invention and have others in development.   I combine all of these skills to produce services and products that inform, stimulate and enliven.

I use energetic work with clients if warranted and permitted.

I am a life learner and search for other ways of improving my life and those of my clients.

Just as with diets, a combination of techniques, elements from several places blended into one, may be what a client needs.  Drop a line. Let me know your thoughts.

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Health Program

Health Approach

Food and Energy

Food and Color

Color and Blood

Herbs of the British Virgin Islands

Water Energy

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Avoid It

Blood Food Colors All Types

Blood Food Colors Type A

Blood Food Colors Type AB

Blood Food Colors Type B

Blood Food Colors Type O


Chakra Balancing

Chakra Energy Channels

Chakra Formation

Chakra Health

Minor Chakras

Changes in Consciousness


Color and Blood

Color Healing


Energy Body


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

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