Soul Portraits

ome Soul Portraits, one of the Psychic Art works created for clients by Allison Williams Hill are featured on this page. They are the most in-depth of all of the art images because of vastness of a soul. A soul portrait is information that draws from everything the soul did in all of its lifetimes. The information that comes is what is relevant to the person in this time, at this time.

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Art work will show graphically and energetically what you need to know at this time. This art can be used for meditation as well. Below are soul portraits for individuals. including myself.

Soul Portrait 

Soul Portrait is Psychic Art that is the most in-depth of all of the art images because of vastness of a soul. A soul portrait is information that draws from everything the soul did in all of its lifetimes. The information that comes is what is relevant to the person in this time, at this time. 
Art work will show graphically and energetically what you need to know at this time. This art can be used for meditation as well. The image is presented with a written interpretation. The time it would take varies per client; an average amount of time is four weeks. A digital image can be forwarded, however, the physical art will be shipped. 
As with all intuitive orders, Soul Portraits will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received. I suggest you email me first at In-Vescia contact form below to see what orders are in place before you order. 
I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once payment is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available. The original will be mailed. Shipping is included in the fee. 

Soul Portrait for $125.00 

The Hermes and Me by Allison L. Williams Hill

A Soul Portrait is Psychic Art work created using soft pastel on charcoal paper about information that draws from everything the soul did in all of its lifetimes. 

The Soul Portrait is the most in-depth of all of the energy art I do because of the vastness of a soul. 

Art work will show graphically and energetically what you need to know at this time. The information that comes is what is relevant to the person in this time, at this time.  The Psychic Art work is developed using Entura or "Enter the Aura" art. The person's energy can be accessed with or without them being present.  A picture is helpful.

The image is presented with a written or verbal interpretation. It is encouraged that the owner develops their own messages through meditation. No matter how many times you see a Soul Portrait, your own or someone else's,  you may find more information in the art work you had never seen before. This numinous information is multi-layered, representative of our spiritual selves.

MH Soul Portrait by Allison L. Williams Hill 

Clement E. Hill, II Soul Portrait by Allison L. Williams Hill

As with all intuitive orders, they will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received. I suggest you email me first at In-Vescia contact form below to see what orders are in place before you order. 
I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once payment is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available. 

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The Master

Living Altars


Ceremonies of the Church

Changes in Consciousness


Color Healing




Energy Body

Energy Life Reading



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


Creative Caregiving and Health



The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's Art Gallery.

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