Japan Stone Statues

apan Stone Statues" stood in Hakone. The statues were draped with towels that had the names of children on them.

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Stone Prayer Statues by Allison L. Williams Hill

Some had closed purses around their necks. Food and drink would be placed at the bases. Beautiful natural colored granite stones contained children's names and prayers in several languages. At this stop, we had the opportunity to write our prayers and place them among the other stones. I wrote something simple: "Peace."

We visited several Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. I observed the practice of lighting incense and the silent presence each person entered and embodied. They were praying for any number of things. This small space with multiple sized stone statues surrounding a  stone lantern was dedicated to children.

Prayer by Allison L. Williams Hill

After the tour guide spoke, all of us were silent. The hills, water, and all of that green from the flora filled me. This experience was one of many that touched my life in a spiritual way, long after my failed attempts to understand with meditation, and long before I overcame my subjective thoughts of failure about meditation and pursed it again. This tour happened six years before I met Rev. Raphael diAngelo  and experienced Gateway: Opening to Spirit.  The sensation of the More or the Something Greater was all around, and through me. From a physical level, the trip to Hong Kong and Japan was wonderful. I grew professionally. The unseen but experienced stuff is rich for study two decades later. 

Barbara Carr, right, with another participant at Kwaloon Harbour, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, the first leg of  the sketch tour.

April 6, 2021: Barbara Carr, teacher extraordinaire, introduced me to Janice, a friend of hers, who introduced me to Raphael,  the first person who helped me understand spirituality. It's amazing how things work; eventually I was to re-enter this path again after my first attempt at thirteen. This, indeed, was a course adjustment.



Living Altars


Past Life Regression

The Necessity for Love



Fourth Dimension

Higher World

The Master



Will Power

Violet Flame of Transmutation


In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program



The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's Art Gallery.

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