
ssistance", an 18" x 12" soft pastel on charcoal paper drawing  was a visual of the words of the Goddess of Liberty each soul entered physical birth. Spirit is available, on call, to help when we feel we are suffering or not making progress. This is a reminder that there are various energies to appeal to but we have to ask for their assistance.

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Assistance from the Goddess of Liberty

"You are liberty, beloved, to take  pure and primal life into the Earth Plane. You are at liberty, beloved, to utilize life as you will in  the physical appearance world.  You are at liberty, beloved, to cal upon any and all of Us as you may choose to assist you when when the momentums and energies of your own worlds seem not sufficient  to handle conditions and to radiate the life to fulfill your Divine Plan."
              The Gnosis and the Law by Tellis S.Papastavro, Group Avatar, 1972

Nature is all around us. Everything of the Creator flows through Nature. "Assistance" shows the sources of our powers that are always present for our use.  We Breathe in the Power; we Sense the Power with and without sight; We Hear the Power whether or not we can actually hear. I learned that hearing also occurs in the heart. That is how I hear Spirit.

The Gathering by Allison L. Williams Hill

On March 31, 2021 a friend and I were discussing help. I heard her repeat a sentence from a guide that she introduced me to: Shirti Sai Baba. He said we have to give these beings permission for these beings to work through us in how they choose to work through us. We ask for help, they help us. They know more about how to acheive the outcome we desire that we do.If we did, it would be pointless to request their assistance.  

Energy seeps from the Earth into one's body.
Connect with the ground to feed the form.

"Stars"; Cradled", and "Assistance" were three submissions for The College of Psychic Studies' Inspiration from Isolation Art Competition in 2020.

What is Psychic Art?

Psychic art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, A form of psychic art, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and psychic art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura art, a unique drawing technique was so named and is being taught by Patricia Hayes, founder of Delphi University of Spiritual Studies in McCaysville, Georgia. Ms. Hayes was the personal assistant to Arthur Ford. She is a gifted spiritual channel and has spent the past 40 years teaching people to develop their spiritual abilities.

Entura art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and Entura art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura art, a unique drawing technique was so named and is being taught by Patricia Hayes, founder of Delphi University 0f Spiritual Studies in McCaysville, Georgia. Ms. Hayes was the personal assistant to Arthur Ford. She is a gifted spiritual channel and has spent the past 40 years teaching people to develop their spiritual abilities.

Deeper Blue Dream by Allison L. Williams Hill

Psychic art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, A form of psychic art, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and psychic art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura art, a unique drawing technique was so named and is being taught by Patricia Hayes, founder of Delphi University of Spiritual Studies in McCaysville, Georgia. Ms. Hayes was the personal assistant to Arthur Ford. She is a gifted spiritual channel and has spent the past 40 years teaching people to develop their spiritual abilities.

Entura art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and Entura art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura art, a unique drawing technique was so named and is being taught by Patricia Hayes, founder of Delphi University 0f Spiritual Studies in McCaysville, Georgia. Ms. Hayes was the personal assistant to Arthur Ford. She is a gifted spiritual channel and has spent the past 40 years teaching people to develop their spiritual abilities.

The Goddess Within by Allison L. Williams Hill



Living Altars


Past Life Regression

The Necessity for Love



Fourth Dimension

Higher World

The Master



Will Power

Violet Flame of Transmutation


In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program



The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's Art Gallery.

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