he food for type AB blood colors was developed for the newest of the four blood types. This blood type's existence is shorter than the others and resulted from intermingling rather than environmental influences. Mr. D'Adamo points out that AB types share qualities with A, B, and O types.
The Blood Type Diet has not proven to work for all people. Eating right for one's blood type did not succeed with other international diets. However, there are testimonies from whom this eating method has worked. I use it because I don't feel any discomfort from the suggested foods. In other words, I observe my body to evaluate what I consume to feel energized and alert, not bloated, lethargic, and in pain in different parts of my anatomy. I also use the diet to consume food colors.
Whatever you choose to do, please consult with your health professionals first. This information is for educational purposes only.
Read Eat Right for Your Blood Type and Live Right for Your Blood Type for more thorough information.
The Blood Type Diet has not proven to be universal yet. The problem with eating right for one's blood type is that the findings from the American diet have not been duplicated with other international diets. However, there are testimonies from whom this eating method has worked. I continue to use it because I combined it with eating colors.
The food for type AB blood colors list and all others may be useful for people with sensitivities and those who want to try new foods. Downloads of the blood types, with other useful information, will be available soon.
Read Eat Right For Your Blood Type and Live Right For Your Blood Type for more thorough information.
Note the available food for type AB blood colors in some of the fruit and vegetable selection. The ones shown are what were termed, according to Mr. D'Adamo, beneficial and neutral.
Mr. D'Adamo states any food not listed as void can be included.
Consensus is an agreement or opinion that a group accepts. History shows
that it does not matter if it is truth or fiction. There may not be any
proof to support a statement. It is not correct unless you can count
and measure. If one can say it is scientifically proven, that
determines that it is true because that is reality. However, people
repeat things and accept them as true. There are many examples of this.
I offer two examples.
A man named Carl Von Linnaeus created the system based on criteria based on skin color. He classified people in his Systematura of 1735 solely based on his perceptions, and it was called the first modern study of man. This process couldn't be counted and measured, but people called him the Father of Anthropology. This unscientific crap is labeled as science without an ounce of proof to support it. The media uses his unscientific classifications to this day.
A second example is Ignaz Semmelweis, called the Father of Hand Hygiene. Semmelweis noticed the mortality rates of pregnant women in two sections of a particular hospital. Medical students and doctors were mandated to practice autopsies, and after working on corpses, they moved into examining pregnant women. The mortality rate of women and newborns increased.
He witnessed a friend die from a scalpel cut received during an autopsy. The doctor developed an infection from the same disease present in the cadaver. Semmelweis was instrumental in reducing the death rate by implementing hand washing after working with cadavers with a solution stronger than soap and water. The solution removed the "smell of death" from the students' and doctors' hands. However, some doctors resisted, not believing that there was a direct cause, and when they did not use the chlorine and lime solution, patients continued to die.
Ignaz Semmelweis went through a lot of controversy to illustrate the connection between hygiene and life and death. 1
We tend to "inherit" opinions or agreements from family. Some statements may be facts. However, it is up to us to examine whether or not these statements hold. If the statements do not apply and have no validity in your life, you may experience separation from family and friends. Things might get uncomfortable.
I appreciated the Harry Potter series for several things. When Dumbledore said to Harry, "...doing what is right rather than what is easy," was one of them.
Families influence our feelings and memories about food. Our mothers, parents, or guardians cooked for us when we were incapable. We learned from their knowledge and what we added over time. In the free Health History that we work on, the family is a significant part of the interview.
Lectins are proteins in plants. They serve two purposes;
1. they are poisonous to bugs and protect plants from harm, and
2. improve communication between plant cells.
D'Adamo posits eating foods that are not aligned with your blood type antigen, you may experience problems from the lectins. They will bind with the blood making it sticky, or slow moving. This is easy to achieve by eating fried foods. Feel how the body feels and operates after consuming a bag of potato chips or, better yet, pizza. Pizza has oil, grain, and dairy. And, if the cheese is from a cheese-fed cow, that will contribute to slow-circulating blood.
Eating foods compatible foods can improve your digestion and energy levels.
If a high amount of lectins are consumed, symptoms include
Gut inflammation, or leaky gut
Weight gain
High amounts of lectins are present in
Legumes-Beans; kidney beans (very high); peas; peanuts; soybeans
Nightshades- eggplant; peppers; potatoes; tomatoes;
Squashes- acorn; butternut; pumpkin; zucchini
Whole grains - barley; oats; rice; quinoa; wheat
Cook beans thoroughly to reduce lectins.
Plants that contain the least amount of lectins include
Leafy greens
Cruciferous vegetables (Brassica genus of plants) - broccoli; Brussels sprouts; cauliflower
In fruits, or foods with seed, most of the lectins are present in the skin and seeds.
Pressure cooking is good, but not for grains.
Animal products are a problem if the animal was fed grains. Lectins are not a problem if the animal was grass-fed.
The best monitor of any food you consume is you and how you feel after eating it. Food that is healthy for some is not healthy for all. The Standard American Diet (SAD) comprises processed and refined foods. Determining what foods are detrimental to your health is challenging because of the manufacturing process. Consuming organic foods is the highest and best choice for your body, mind, and spirit. The list for this blood type and all others may be helpful to people with sensitivities and those who want to try new foods. Downloads of the blood types, with other helpful information, will be available soon.
Note: the available type AB food colors in some of the fruit and vegetable selection. The ones shown are what were termed, according to Mr. D'Adamo, beneficial(marked with an asterisk)and neutral. Mr. D'Adamo states any food not listed as void can be included.
The chart below has been expanded to include neutral foods.
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The PLU code or the price-lookup code stuck to each piece of vegetable or fruit in a US supermarket was a creation of the Produce Marketing Association to improve standardization and inventory.
Several years ago, the code was "cracked" allowing the health conscious to distinguish between traditionally grown, organic and genetically modified produce.
Now, that is no longer possible because indicating that a product is genetically modified is voluntary. Most Americans would not select genetically modified foods if they were aware. The best advice is to buy organic as often as possible.
Even better, edible landscaping is replacing the lush, front lawn. There are a lot of exciting examples in existence and plenty of possibilities based on your type AB food colors. If you have a balcony or a sunny windowsill, consider container gardening. A food for type AP blood garden would be specific for the needs of its creator or creators and a personal creation.
See Garden, Potager Garden, Garden to Help Others
Food type for AB blood and the 5 Chinese Elements chart merges the food colors with the Elements. This aid provides the possibility of completing the meals of a day with the full color spectrum and all of the elements. The selected foods, in combination, may provide a full complement of what the body needs- physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.
While some of the charts at this time have more choices than others, I intend to see if expansion is possible by increasing the food color charts and studying the food placement in the 5 Elements.
June 12, 2010