
he healer symbol shows the Earth, or the physical world, and Spirit are the two spheres. Intersecting through the centers of the congruent circles create the Vesica Piscis or Heaven on Earth, the space we enter during meditation.

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Healer Symbol by Allison L. Williams Hill

The body is golden with crop circles for each of the chakras. The Spirit sphere has a halo of lighted colors forming the band aura.

I used images from Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) to construct this image. This is my symbol for In-Vesica Art Design Energy, the place I endeavor to “live” on a daily basis.

Healer Learning

I obtained the level of Master Metaphysician from Delphi University of Spiritual Studies. Energy is the principle tool. We all have it.

I can label myself energetic healer that could mean that I am lively, bouncy, or up-beat as I heal. I can label myself an energy healer. That could mean, literally, that I heal or repair energy.

Healer sums it up in that I focus on a person; place, or thing - flora or fauna- in the Creator's presence to change a debilitating condition. Truth is, and by that I mean, if the outcome that I would like is not to happen, it won't.

When we visited my father-in-law in hospital, we watched him as he laid in bed. He appeared to be sleeping and peaceful. I placed my hands an inch from the soles of his feet twice. He appeared to be waking up. I did not sense that this was something I was to do as in that was my feeling, not that that was true. I stopped each time and he looked like he returned to sleeping. He was receiving something. I was not sure what. Was I to continue? I don't know. This happened over ten years ago. We are learners; there is no book or another's experience from which to draw.

I applied energy to the feet of several hospitalized relatives and friends, who were distant and local, in my laboratory that we learned to construct in Silva Mind Control Method. Their bodies lit up when I applied the energy.

When I removed it, either the body remained lit or the light would fade. Did the person's body need more energy?

Did the person's body need less energy? Did the person's body need less energy but more frequently? Did it need any at all?

I learned over time what the difference was. My Aunt Alma and my father were two of the people whose light faded. When that happened, I learned that they were going to transition. When the body remained lit, l learned that the person needed the energy.

I learned many methods and I use some in the work. I do unusual things, have done them all of my life. It is a split path: some young people think that what they do that all people can do them and it is a shock to realize that it was never that way.

The other path traveled is one that is unfortunate. To be influenced by non-supportive looks; words, or comments from one, a few, or many people, regardless of age, is an effective way to close the spigot, to stop the flow of growth; wonder, and awe.

When they are still children, the thing they do can be done under bed covers at night or in their minds during they day.

When people become adults, they can recapture it all, to only remember the younger days as being surrounded by unknowing people and accelerate the power to achieve all that they desire at their own speed.

Cradled by Allison L. Williams Hill

A friend, another incredible healer, texted a passage to me that I intended to write on an index card and never did. I will right now.

Okay, I'm back.

I wrote this on a day-glow yellow index card because it reminded me of sunshine, something to greet each morning.

"We convince ourselves that our failures exist on such a grand scale that not even the Creator can deliver us from them.

But it is really self-importance that makes this self-pity possible."

Essential Zohar, Rav Berg

True dat! The Creator is why I AM here. The Creator is saying each day that I wake up, "Create with me." Imagine.

The ALL is extending energy, in trust that I can regardless of what I think. People who love us extend such trust, the opportunity to begin again, and again. Can I continue to violate a sacred love after feeling the depth and vastness of what was given to me? I can. I succumbed to those comments when I was younger and I still feel them today which was why I wanted the statement on something I can carry and look at when I feel that way....until it does not feel like that anymore. Those people were the reflections of me. I was in a flesh Hall of Mirrors showing that it is not true. But how stupid does it look and feel to snub the ALL? Really?! I don't think so.

I AM Healer.


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