Healing Session 3
with Rev. Raphael Azariel Francisco  di Angelo

his is a healing session, the third of three, facilitated through Raphael  Azariel Francisco di Angelo, a spiritist, for Allison L. Williams Hill.

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(Raphael prays). 

...for the Angels of Light, Angels of God...

Make us one with the Light

Make us one with the Divine

Let us become the Divine on Earth.

They are beginning to show me your Auric energies have become a crown that sit around your entire body. And the upper portions of the crown above your head are fluted and pointed and bending slightly in an outward position looking more like a lotus than a crown. And yet there are little balls of golden light, the crown is golden light, but it's coming from within your aura, from within your energy.

But as this crown opens above the top of the head, there is the image of Holy Mother in white and gold flashing silver and lavender descending into the top of your head. She is lining up toes and fingers and every energy center within you. Holy Mother's robes are moving energies- gold and white. Her shroud upon her head is gold with silver woven into the gold.

Your person is beginning to disappear in my vision as the white and gold energy of the Divine Mother consumes you. She has flames now of lavender and silver, gold and white burning all through your body. They flash at times more powerfully in other places and your face is becoming her face and your body is becoming her body.

The Sentinels by Allison L. Williams Hill

She has flames of gold and silver, lavender and white flashing through your body. Burning, flash at times in other places. Your body and face are becoming her body and face and the more deeply you disappear, the more you are there.

Once you are completely consumed, you disappeared entirely into the Divine Mother and now as the flames burn brighter and purer consuming more and more, even the illusion of the Holy Mother is integrating... both images existing simultaneously.

The images that I am now seeing, it brought me back to when the stars began to swirl around you. They formed almost a vortex, a womb of light. While the individual stars remained clear ad remained colorful, and it was as if the universe swirled around you and you traveled through it, one galaxy after another, over and over, back and through. And now as the stars move around you, suddenly one star would get very bright and shoot a beam to specific parts of your body.

The only place they are not shooting directly into is the abdominal womb area. But all the light that enters the body is going TO that area. It amplifies where it is first then it starts traveling other pathways of light filling that very area. I feel like that area is beginning to swirl with energy. The swirl is moving outward, white, lavender, specks of gold and silver...specks of gold, threads of silver, like a tornado or vortex. It's widest around your womb or abdominal area and then it's drawing out darkness and negativity. And it's stretching further and further out til it's connecting to what I call a Crack in the Universe where you can see the Pure Light of God. And it's releasing all that negativity.

They ask you to take deep breathes and as you exhale, just release, relax and let go. Just let the darkness from anywhere in your body, your being, your spirit, your consciousness, pass through...the womb and abdominal area and just go out into the swirling vortex of light and keep releasing the darkness, and releasing the darkness.

And the vortex is still centered on the abdominal and womb area but it's like it's extending. I want to call it a secondary vortex but it's not. It's extended energy, swirling around and it's getting wider until it's encompassing your whole body and beyond.

It's drawing negativity, darkness, illusion, limitations, separation, and disbelief, belief, anything that is other than God, it's drawing it out of you. They've repeated over and over to me that this is the natural state of healing after the last one you that have been through.

When we deal with the illusion of Death head on, face our fear, move through it, we come out the other side and realize death is nothing more than transformation, evolution, transmutation. Death is becoming... Death is birth just as birth is Death and birth is becoming.  

And the Light gets purer and brighter and more expansive. I see more and more vortexes forming in specific places and some of these, just realized, have begun to form on my body drawing off density, drawing off negativity . They both warn and comfort the change you are not ready for does not come until we are ready to receive it. But the more we release, relax, and let go the more we can clear. Just release, relax, and let go.

The image of the Holy Mother gets very soft and luminous then hard like a statue and then as more stuff gets drawn off it gets soft and luminous. So she's drawing toxins out of the body, toxins out of the consciousness. The silver, white, gold, lavender light in the heart, has become a full auric medallion around the heart and there's a very specific image behind that. It's like beams and rays connected and separate as well. They use it a lot with holy images, holy auras. But it's also expanding.

The medallion of light is forming around your being now, coming from deep within the center of the Divine Heart, the Christ Consciousness being awakened within you. They're also now moving that Heart Energy down into the womb and abdomen. And as it centers there, great chunks of darkness are breaking off. Some of them are dissipating immediately in the brightness of the light.

(Big breath release)

Beams are being shot out specifically through the legs and through the feet and into the Earth.

There's a lot of healing with the Earth going on here, healing with being on the Earth, healing with being a Divine Being on the Earth. They're healing the grounding chakras, you have a tendency to close them off. Remember, there are chakras in your feet and in your hands as well.

They're also asking that as you continue your chakra work, ask God, ask the Divine Source of All Creation, to show you each of the individual chakras of the human body and try to do drawings, artistic renderings of them. And eventually you will make a map of the human body backwards and forwards of every energy vortex or chakra, of every energy center of light. They won't let me pronounce a number. They want you to come up with your own.

This is going to learn...this is going to lead you to an understanding of each of these energy centers. The main seven are the only ones commonly talked about. But there are many more. But if you correct, and align, and clear the main seven, the others will eventually---there will be...like a ripple affect.

But It's time now for the knowledge of the full chakra system to come to this planet.

It's time now for the knowledge of the full chakra system to come to this planet.

And they said to me announce that to everywhere you go to anyone who is at all intuitive so the information can come together. You might even at some point be asked or be asked to ask someone to establish a web site for the gathering of the information of the full chakra system so that everyone who wants to contribute can contribute into this. It might even be entitled "It Is Time For the full chakra system to be known. Something to that effect.

Bananaquits by Allison L. Williams Hill

Just breathe, release and let go. Breathe, release, and let go. I want to say relax. They're saying we don't care if she relaxes or not. Just breathe, release, and let go. Just think, "Release and let go. Release and let go." They want you to get as purified in this moment as you possibly can. And be prepared. It's funny because you're feeling a lot of tears but they go away as quickly as you feel them.

(laugh) And that means you are releasing them. And that's how release should always be. They're also saying some of those tears...what's happening now is you've been waiting you entire life to experience. There is the potential to literally become Divinity in the human body. Now, we are all that anyway. But to become completely aligned ...this could be, they're not saying it will be, {it's?} just somewhere in your knowledge, this could be the moment of transformation.

This could be the last healing you will ever need. They're also saying it's very important you already understood this. A lot of the struggles that are coming up between you and Clem are moments of choice. You're becoming the Light, more than you've ever been it before.

You have a great deal of knowledge of what's the earth changes and what's coming and some of that knowledge is very different than what you've read but it's still difficult to have seen it. And usually we see that stuff in a lump sum and it actually stretches out.

I'm getting a Gold City, a Turquoise City, a Silver City, an Emerald City. I can't see...there's another form of Blue. There's actually several forms of Blue. There's also a Violet City. It's very interesting. Over time, they will show you what part of the Earth these places are above. They ultimately create the whole spectrum.

And there's a bunch of voices from beings who feel very high but I can't see them and they keep chanting into your body and they said to me "Into yours too!",

Be what you are,

be what you are,

be what you are,

be what you are,

be what you are,

be what you are,

be what you are,

be what you are."

Some are chanting, "Be that of what you are,

be that of what you are,

be that of what you are,

be that of what you are,

be that of what you are,

be that of what you are,

be that of what you are,

be that of what you are,

be that of what you are."

And others are chanting, "Be the Divine Essence,

be the Divine Essence,

be the Divine Essence,

be the Divine Essence,

be the Divine Essence,

be the Divine Essence,

be the Divine Essence,

Be the Divine Essence,

Be the Divine Essence,

Be the Divine Essence, 

Walk the Earth as God, Walk the Earth as Goddess, Walk the Earth as Spirit,

Walk the Earth as God, Walk the Earth as Goddess, Walk the Earth as Spirit,

Walk the Earth as God, Walk the Earth as Goddess, Walk the Earth as Spirit.

Get in this healing also, when you send healing to someone you try too much to work from yourself and from ego. Try to release it into the Divine. Because the Divine can do anything for anyone.

You are a very effective and powerful healer. They are telling me to thank yo for the work you've done on me that I didn't know about. So I thank you.
Keep releasing. (Deep breathe). They're re-intensifying all of the lights. The Holy Mother image is getting powerfully bright and strong.

They're actually showing me her activating her essence into your very DNA. They're saying the result of this will eventually be a more advanced DNA structure.

And sometime within the next two to three years you will have reason to have a DNA test done. They will find very unusual things in your DNA. You can bring it right back to this moment. But this moment is a culmination of all the years of work. The image of the Holy Mother of is of no importance to you whatsoever in your conscious levels or higher consciousness levels.

They're using it because the little girl was affected by her as she was growing up as an image projected by other people and by society.

Also there are many, many people receiving the symbols of the Language of Light. And either on your website or another website, you can make an offering that people can unite their images with yours, because there is no ONE language but each symbol represents a cycle, a system, a flow of energy. Also, you're going to start feeling the impulse to speak well-articulated gibberish.

This is going to happen more and more. You are becoming the Light Worker you came here to be. They're trying to cleanse you down to the very essence of God-Within-You and to completely clear you. They're saying tomorrow morning, things that used to matter aren't gonna matter.

Actually what they're saying is already things that used to matter aren't going to matter. But you will begin to see where they play a role or an importance. That's a big distinction that none of us have ever gotten before. We are to see why things are important, not to believe they are important. When we begin to see through the eyes of our Spiritual Essence and Self the most dull, mundane things, we suddenly see their spiritual purpose and their importance. But it's their importance in the scheme of things, not their importance to us. 

No longer will you be defined by anything other than your Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than your Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than your Light.

Just keep releasing. Letting go.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than your Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than your Light.

Oh My- (-deep breath)

No longer will you be defined by anything other than your Light.

Oh My God (-deep breath)

Okay. they're laughing at me saying, "You're finally getting it!"

(deep breath)

Whisper -No longer will you be defined by anything other than your Light.

Oh, Thank you! No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

(smiling) No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

Do I need to repeat that more?

No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.


No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

No longer will you be defined by anything other than the Light.

Now for the first time we are both capable of understanding "I AM the Light, and the Way."

I AM the Light, and the Way.

I AM the Light, and the Way.

I AM the Resurrection of All Life.

I AM the Celebration of All Love.

I AM the Light, and the Way.

This was never intended to be a person's personal statement but a person's release into Truth.

I AM the Light, and the Way.

I AM the Light, and the Way.

I AM the Light, and the Way.

Now, don't say anything to me. We will talk tomorrow. They want me to hang up as quickly as possible. They'll keep working on you. It's going to get more intense for a little while. Just hang up the phone and I'll talk to you real soon.  



Healing 1

Healing 2


Color Healing

Energy Reading

Accessing Spirit


Past Life Regression


Soul Life Reading

Soul Portraits


Sound and Color Healing

The Necessity for Love


Violet Flame of Transmutation


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