About In-Vesica  

n(tuitive)-Vesica serves people who desire to change their lives: spiritual realization through physical action.

In(tuitive) Vesica serves persons who desire alterations in their life styles.  This is achieved through a combination of metaphysical work; health coaching; architectural and interior design.  Allison L. Williams Hill works as an artist; designer; planner; crafter; certified integrated energetic healer; certified integrative health practitioner, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through In-Vesica to sell, display, educate, and use Spiritual Art, contemporary mixed media art, and conceptual architecture art; design, and energy.

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Thought detail by Allison L. Williams Hill

The Mission Statement

 “Heal through art, hands, and words where Spirit informs all.”

In(tuitive)-Vesica's services and products assist customers and people (benefitting in a public forum) to achieve the integration, the balance of the world within self and the physical world.

Stanislaw Lem, science fiction author, wrote a master statement.  “There are no answers, only choices…” and each carries its set of consequences. I modify his statement: We can understand our existence when we know our purpose and it is to experience life as we ascend. Beyond that, no other answer is necessary. There is desire and desire leads us to the choices by which we can achieve our purpose. 

Make choices. Make better, then the best choices.  Then you will get to where you desire to go, be what you desire to be.

AT&T Plant rendering by Allison L. Williams Hill

The Three by Allison L. Williams Hill

Merge with Krishna by Allison L. Williams Hill

Spiritual Knowledge

In 1990, I met Raphael Azarius Francisco di Angelo, a spiritist.  Raphael was a transchanneler, allowing energy to enter his body and share information in addition to hearing messages and working with extraterrestrials.  I was finally getting involved with Spirit, beyond anything organized religion recognized 

C.D. Residence Plans, Tortola, British Virgin Islands 

About  You

More coaches are quoting the following information:

Your conscious braIn is responsible for only 1-5% of your daily activities.

Your subconscious brain is responsible for a staggering 95-99% of your body's daily activities.when embarkng on a program such as this, any self-improvement project, we need to understand that change is inevitable.  When faced with that incredible fact based on very recent sound scientific  information,  we are faced with the profound question: If that much of my brain activity is beloW my conscious surface, how on earth am I supposed to go about changing?

The comfort zone must be maintained to avoid sweating and palpitations or keep them at a minimum. 

The RAS or Reticular Activating System filters out repetitive stimuli, preventing sensory overload. But it  limits intake from millions of bits of information protecting you because you select what is important-the tapes you have developed over time provide the filters. 

Now that consciousness has expanded to understand the RAS, you become more aware of more in your surroundings.

From Pratt Institute's School of Architecture, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, spiritual studies with Rev. Raphael Azarius Francisco di Angelo  and Delphi University of Spiritual Studies I offer services as an expressive and vibrant artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, metaphysician, and inventor.  

Questions about In(tuitive)-Vesica

Contact In-Vesica about any thoughts or questions you might have. I will certainly make the time to respond.




Chakra Formation

Minor Chakras


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art Wanted.com

Solo Build It!

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