The Three Dimensional Vision Board: Empower Your Desires in 3D

he vision board is a good way of assisting your goals with pictures, words, and symbols that serve to trigger mental energy for manifestation, ranging from the physical to the non-physical. The color of the board has significance also. A lot of vision boards are created on white paper.

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I find Catherine Ponder's work that included meanings for colors behind the images empowering.


  • · Gold and/or green for finance.
  • · Yellow for spiritual.
  • · White for understanding.
  • · Blue for intellectual accomplishments.
  • · Orange and/or bright yellow for health.
  • · Pink, rose and/or bright red for love.

When the color energy of the board has meaning, anytime you see that color it energizes your associated memory of the goals and objectives represented in the selected images.

You can increase the power of your intentions by using an energy system, created to balance life to project, as a movie projector, those images so that the "look and feel" is amplified as you move, work, and live within your home.

Black Hat Sect Feng Shui, an art of placement, assigns a purpose to different areas of a space in relation to the entrance. Images on the vision board, conveniently located where you work, write, etc. can be multiplied with other similar images placed in corresponding energy areas around your home. You can either place the Bagua over a floor plan of the home or apply it to each living space within it.

The colors used for feng shui do not necessarily match the colors suggested for vision board. Mix them so both energetic intentions are included.

  • · Knowledge/Meditation/Mountain-Blue
  • · Family/Ancestors/Thunder-Green
  • · Wealth/Wind-Purple
  • · Fame/Fire -Red
  • · Partnership/Earth - Pink
  • · Children/Creativity - White
  • · Helpful People/Heaven - Gray
  • · Career - Black

Include what makes you unique. The elements do not have to be Chinese. If you are an American, use American coins. If you like a fragrance that reminds you of what you wish to achieve, then use it. If the sound of water stimulates fond memories that you associate with what you want to achieve, include a fountain or two.

In my article on Feng Shui I gave an example about the intention of finding a soul mate by placing similar images in the Heaven areas of all of the rooms throughout your home. Place a similar image on the vision board. You can also use the color in that area if it is exposed so you are the only one who knows its purpose. The more you remember the colors and the associations, the intentions will fire when you see them within your field of vision. It will get to a place where words or phrases will not be matter, but the feel of the thought will, not only wash over you but, saturate you completely via the senses.

The Three by Allison L. Williams Hill

This behavior will continue outside of your home. The number of bits of media you receive daily is in the millions. The Reticular Activating System, or RAS, allows only a fraction of sensory data from the millions of bits that surround you daily. All of this is dependent on the subconscious. Experiences recorded early in life will determine the effectiveness of your conscious programming. The RAS filters through what is programmed on your subconscious tapes. If you believe that you are not worthy of creating wealth, all of the images and colors you use to trigger manifestation may not work. Your subconscious always says "Yes" to your beliefs. As part of this work, check to see what beliefs you have that may support or resist your efforts. The following methods have been used to change the subconscious:

  • · Rohun®
  • · Theta Healing
  • · Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
  •   Meditation
  • · Psych K
  • · Guided Visualization
  •   Hypnotherapy
  • · Precision Affirmation
  • · Brain State Technology (BST), and
  • · Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Now you are walking, cleaning, dancing, eating, talking, reading, writing, sitting in silence, or entertaining within your three dimensional space appointed with visual, auditory and aromatic cues.

Your programming will not be limited to the time you use looking at the vision board. Your programming will strengthen more physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and more frequently within a 24 hour cycle.

NOTE: "The Three Dimensional Vision Board: Empower Your Desires in 3D" was published at Ezine Articles which apparently no longer exists. The slides throughout this page are in the video above.

And now a word about  the
Creative Imagination.



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Feng Shui



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The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

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