Multi-Dimensional Objects


am working to produce multi- dimensional objects that are used to enhance the energy of spaces and areas, indoors and out.

An energy reading provides information for your specific needs. Existing objects to enhance your energy may be suggested.

We are currently experimenting with new objects to satisfy that need. They will be added soon. Following are multi-dimensional objects, some of which were suggested in channelings by Raphael di Angelo.

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Crystals are tools of healers and other energy facilitators. They are said to be piezoelectric, however, I have not found that to be the case when handled by humans. The reference is usually with regards to electronic use as in introducing a current. Many people use crystals as tools for things that have not been proven according to standard scientific methods. We use processes to determine value or significance. An experiment starts with a hypothesis or supposition. Steps involve proving or disproving that theory. What if we don't begin with a theory, a statement about what something does? One may say we must begin somewhere. Nothing or everything is somewhere. We can build up or break down.


Some know what things do, however, have not been able to prove it in this third dimensional realm. The power attributed to crystals is unseen. Certain crystals’ abilities have been proven with electricity, another unseen energy. There were several scientists who were aware of things unseen who created a method or apparatus that could make the unseen, seen. The word “esoteric”, perceived but unknown is used to categorize the practice as somewhat existing but still suspect.


Crystal got its name from the Greek word “krystallos” or “frozen light”. We don’t know what crystals are except to define them as an orderly, repetitive pattern of minerals in specific geometric forms. They are mathematical in structure, forming in the same shapes repeatedly. Could that be a definition of intelligence? Or does it fall short of that because they are not living? Plants are intelligent. They are alive. Humans are intelligent. They are alive. Both are
Crystals are intelligent. Do they live? A transchanneler told me that they do.
His information came from Spirit. Because They do not satisfy the criteria for life that was constructed by humans does not mean they do not live. They also grow as well.


Crystal Healing Mat

I purchased several crystals with identified powers to create a healing mat for the bed. I wanted something to use while horizontal or sleeping. The bed is the smartest place to send non-benevolent energies. I will upload what I experienced and learned on another page. We may not use the bed for eight hours daily there; sleep needs vary. You may need more, others less. But some of us use it for lounging; recreation, and recuperation. I used batting to create a quilt-like body. I cut up pieces to place above and below some of the crystals to soften how they feel when laid on.


Plan for crystal healing map

I am learning that the best way to use the mat was to set the intention. A general request I like is to state what work I would like done and to add "...whatever else is necessary to bring me to the best of health. Thank you."

Crystal Grids

Smaller crystal grids, duplicating intentions of large stone grids throughout the world, are created in several ways depending on its purpose. A young boy’s mother videotaped him creating a crystal grid. He may not have expressed what he was creating it for, but he felt the need to create it. This boy’s grid was lateral, flowing from the center and out towards crystals to change vibrations.


Assistance by Allison L. Williams Hill

Crystal grids are created to vibrationally affect space energy. Crystals are believed to radiate according to the user’s intentions. I think one should have more than one. I see and work with cubic volumes, so a lateral crystal grid may not be sufficient to address the energy modifications of a space. Now, structures are affected by the surrounding, external environment. The walls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art are five feet thick. Solar heat penetrates the stone but never makes it into the interior of the structure. The interior environment is easy to maintain for the paintings and artifacts’ unique requirements. I mention an unseen, somewhat, but felt, energy. There are energies we neither see nor feel. How does one control them? Crystal grids would be embedded within the walls. Depending on the location, orientation of the exterior, the grids may change. This is achieved in a product my husband and I intended to work with to build his vacation villas on Josiah’s Bay. The Truss System was a reinforced wire matrix, spot welded cords attached to the pyramidal grid. The form is sprayed with Gunnite or Shotcrete. The crystals grid would be placed and tied within the reinforcing.

In my spaces, I intuit to use my psychic art as the bases for crystal grids.
The drawings are full of energy because the colors are informed by Spirit. The crystals would be vertical and horizontal. I like the idea of placing the drawing with the crystals on a light base, increasing its radiation.



I ordered a Powerand from Educate-Yourself creator K. Adachi for the purpose of protecting my husband from the energetic attacks he was experiencing. It was constructed to disrupt harmful energies, however, I may have not used it properly. All energy is not the same. The Powerwand is a larger version of
orgone devices that were buried near cell phone towers. This works against EMF, invasive, harmful energies. The energy assailing my husband was different.I created a matrix placing the Powerwand on a purple energy plate surrounding it with more crystals.


Genesa Crystal

Raphael suggested that I either obtain or create these. These, according to him, copied the following from a website I do appreciate. The GENESA Foundation was formed by Dr. Derald Langham, innovative plant geneticist, as an educational and spiritual non-profit organization that is dedicated to these principles:

• fundamental organizing forces exist in the physical, mental and spiritual worlds;

• these forces manifest themselves in everyday lives;

• awareness of these forces helps us to be more creative, insightful and productive beings.

Dr. Langham gained fundamental insights into the nature of these forces through work in genetics and extension to other universal phenomena. See this bio of his scientific work.

Genesa Crystals mirror the cellular pattern of an embryonic living organism after the third cell division. This eight-cell stage of cell development is identical in all life forms.

Dr. Langham felt that it held ” the full potential for infinite love, for infinite wisdom, for infinite form, for infinite energy, for infinite power, for the Soul, for eternal time, for infinite velocity, for infinite faith. It has all our goals, desires, motivations – even life itself”. Genesa Crystals “make visible the invisible, make visible the geometry of the energy fields that envelope our 3rd dimensional system and penetrate it to the core”.


How to Use the Genesa Crystal

Raphael shared that these were meant to be located and displayed outdoors. As many as five can be grouped together. They significantly change the environment. Sensitive People noticed the difference when the objects were moved in place, or removed from a space entirely.

As with most energy products, intention is important to establish the use of it. Meditation or centering the mind is always the right place to begin. Breath, focusing and being clear on the use of the crystal brings you to the place where it can be of benefit.


This is Raphael's creation. He described it and someone drew it. During this webpage typing, it crossed my ind that this may be a 2-dimensional Genesa crystal. A group of us are planning to use this for the good for others. 

Why Use the Genesa Crystal

According to the Genesa Crystal website, the benefits include the following:

What can we Gain from GENESA?

PHYSICAL well-being
. . . to reach far out . . . with Balance

. . . to refresh from within . . . with Rhythm

MENTAL clarity
. . . to think clearly . . . with Symmetry

VITAL energy
. . . to live vibrantly . . . with Harmony.


Make Your Own Genesa Crystal

The Genesa Crystal is a sacred geometric sculpture that can be used as a powerful tool for manifestation. Because its shape is perfectly aligned with nature, it generates an energy vortex that amplifies the intentions of those in its presence. In effect, it becomes an antenna that attracts, cleanses,balances, and finally amplifies energy.

Programming a Genesa is as simple as sitting it in a room or garden. No special instructions are required as the frequency of your subconscious intent is automatically picked up by this powerful antenna. However, the Genesa can be attuned to a specific intention by simply instructing it to do so. This can be done by focusing on the crystal during meditation or holding it in your hands while saying a prayer. To increase the power of your Genesa Crystal, place a favorite crystal in the center. For instance, a rose quartz can be used to magnify love in your life, an amethyst can by used to magnify intuitive powers, or a clear quartz crystal can be used to promote peace and harmony. People have also been known to place money in the center to attract abundance,
photos in the center to protect a loved one or help them heal, or a card that simply states a specific intention.

How to Make Your Own Genesa Crystal

In the 1940's, Agricultural Geneticist Dr. Derald Langham, discovered that at the 8-cell stage of development, the cellular structure of all living organisms is identical. From this point in development, Dr. Langham asserted that "life can expand in any direction." He was the first to discover that this shape, technically referred to as a cubatahedron, "held the full potential for infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite form, infinite energy, infinite power, for the Soul, for eternal time, for infinite velocity, for infinite faith. It has all your goals, your desires, your motivations-even life itself." On closer examination, The Genesa Crystal contains within its design all 5 Platonic Solids-the shapes that are the building blocks for all organic life, including the Star of Tetrahedron. The Star of Tetrahedron is believed by many to be the specific geometric shape that surrounds the human body. Some believe that a Genesa Crystal aligns the physical body with the spiritual body, speeding up life's spiritual processes. When used in combination with meditation and pranic breathing, it is thought to "cause the body to increase its evolution, rapidly unfolding the knowledge of the Human self and the God within."

Dr. Langham

Dr. Derald Langham, a plant geneticist, coined the phrase "Genesa®" in the 1940s to describe a family of shapes he found to symbolize growth patterns through which life energy flows. Today, Genesa crystals are found in the homes, studios, gardens and offices of people who wish their living areas to be cleansed of unbalanced energies. Many people find that the presence of a Genesa crystal affects their thoughts and actions, helping them to live their lives more productively, positively, and joyfully. Healers and therapists from both allopathic and holistic fields often experience amplification of their healing intentions.


Cosmic Heart Spiral

Raphael suggested getting a cosmic heart spiral for its quality to change energy within spaces. He shared that the object was suspended in a room in which he had a group of clients. He asked them to close their eyes. They were able to sense when he removed the crystal. They mentioned that the energy was significantly different. Since the pandemic and lockdown, I didn’t see them for purchase. If you find one, great. Please tell me.


Ekendo Temple Pond, Japan by Allison L. Williams Hill

From the Cosmic Heart Spiral website:

“…life energy has been represented by spirals or serpents to symbolize flowing, spiraling movement. The spiraling motion is used to energize water and air in our natural environment.” One of the first books I read about energy was about the life of Victor Schauberger. He observed water in many places-

“The Cosmic Heart© spiral is designed in conformance with the laws of a "spherical whirl". The Cosmic Heart© spiral creates this life force energy flow along its beautiful, geometrical form, generating an energy field. To better understand the energy flow it is recommended you rotate the Cosmic Heart© on its vertical axis.The sculpture will increase energy levels in a room, thus improving the wellbeing of those within proximity of the sculpture. The spiral's vitalizing capabilities can be seen through the increased growth and healthier appearance of plants located near it. The Cosmic Heart© spiral can be used as a Feng Shui tool to vitalize certain areas of your home, as a means of inspiration while meditating, or as a decoration in your home or office to simply enjoy. Placed in your bedroom, it might heighten your active dream state.
The Cosmic Heart© spiral is hand-made in Austria from copper 20 carat gold plated and is a design by Michael Kauderer.



Residential Interiors and Creative Caregiving

Feng Shui



Modern Cities

Disaster Preparedness


Living Altars


Past Life Regression


Viktor Schauberger

Theodor Schwenk


In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


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