Spiritual Elevation

learned about spiritual elevation while at my sister’s “hospital.”  She said that the house is so protected spiritually that it was a good place for me to grieve, to grow and to plan.

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I was using altars per instructions from a friend to bring the Ancestors to help us. It included an offering of fruit and flowers.  Candles are lit to whichever Ancestor they are being lit for. I spoke to the Ancestors, thanked them for what they’ve done and asked them for energy to help my husband. After he crossed over, I created altars with his pictures, light, flowers, fluid and food wherever I lived.

I created this altar for Clem the last time I was in our house on Josiah's Bay, Tortola in 2016, a year before H. Irma.

My mother transitioned while I was there. Early in the morning (1 to 2AM) my sister’s sister was up hearing “The door is locked.” As she moved towards the front door, the forms of a man and a woman were descending the stairs from the second floor when we were and disappeared as they moved out of the front door. She checked the lock on the door and found that the deadbolt was locked, which was unusual. The last person to leave the house at night twists the lock in the door knob because they cannot engage the deadbolt. I got that my mother was escorted by my brother, who transitioned in March 2020. She came to see where I was and that I was okay.

Mom's Mother's Day energy drawing

My sister and I were shopping and she received a message from my mother. She was actually shopping with us which pleased me. Mom had limited mobility. The last years of her life were limited to being driven to a store and to doctors’ appointments.   My sister was familiar with spiritual elevation rituals. She mentioned it to me some time ago and what she did for her family. She told me what things I needed to do to perform the ceremony. We were in an inexpensive variety store and everything, and I mean everything, was available there.

Clem in  the image

I followed an African ritual for spiritual elevation. There are several for different African spirituality systems, as there are for other spiritual and religious practices. Each day, I spoke out loud, thanking them for being in my life and giving praise for what they’ve done for me and others.

Spiritual Elevation and the Movie “Coco”

Spiritual elevation is something those who have transitioned can speak to.  Psychics and channelers may be correct, however, in this third dimensional realm their information is considered subjective rather than objective. I read books written by channels who receive information about what the afterlife is like. Patricia Hayes was married to Marshall Smith who had a fatal accident in January 2018. They have open communication daily. Patricia wrote a book called “The Definitive Book on the Afterlife.”

Ascension by Allison L. Williams Hill

Disney’s animated movie “Coco” was an attempt to portray what the spiritual dimension may look like. The marigold flower carpet that lit up when energy stepped on it; the multi-level, light-drenched place gave the feeling of a higher energetic dimension unlike what humans and animals experience on this planet.  

This was a Disney attempt to captivate a Mexican holiday called “La Día de los Muertos” or “The Day of the Dead.” Mexicans celebrate the lives of the dead with music; dance; food, and drinks.  The cemeteries are filled with favorite fare placed on the graves. Banner colors are electric. Light from candles illuminate the cemeteries and the altars surrounded with food and drinks within the homes. There is gaiety as people share memories of their people – friends and family. 

Spiritual Elevation Requests

Discuss spiritual elevation among family and friends. Include the spiritual elevation, raising the soul request in one’s will or include this process as a family tradition.  It can only be done by the living. Begin with those who transitioned. Create agreements with the living – their pictures; their prayers, and their songs, affirmations, etc. they desire to be used. Ask for the objects they would want on their altars. Energy is a constant that appears magical in some respects because science cannot prove it. If a parent or grandparent wants something performed at their death, it is something they chose to believe. If you are asked to do this for them, consider your part in the agreement whether or not you believe. You will be carrying out the wish of a relative.



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In-Vesica Health Program Approach

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Chakra Energy Channels


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

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