Sylphs Knowledge


urrent Sylphs knowledge involves attempts to terminate them.Sylphs have been studied and documented, however, the government of the United States does not share this information with its citizens. Stating that the US Department of Defense has studied Sylphs to destroy them will earn you a conspiracy theorist label with all of the trimmings including economic hardship.

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The following articles on Sylphs come from one website called Educate-Yourself,edited by Ken Adachi. An intelligent and remarkable man named
Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone channeled information and shared it at
Educate-Yourself. I included other references to this website including the Powerwand, which every home should have.

U.S. Air Force versus Wingmakers

[Editor's Note: In 1959, Trevor J. Constable published a book called They Live in the Sky. The book included infrared photographs that Trevor had taken of huge, plasmoid-like living creatures that he referred to as "critters". His 1976 masterpiece, The Cosmic Pulse of Life,also contained a number of stunning infrared photos of critters photographed in the late 1960's with Dr. James Wood. In addition to his own photos, Trevor was able to include many spectacular infrared shots photographed in Italy by the late Luciano Bocconne of Genoa.. These photos reveal long processions of critters flying across the sky, an entire fleet of critters drawing energy from a steel production plant, time lapse photos of critters being drawn to street lights, making sharp turns, reversals, and even materializing/dematerializing. The fascinating essay you are about to read offers new and expanded insights into the subject of Sylphs, creatures which appear to be one and the same with Trevor's "critters"...Ken Adachi] 

Syplh Poster 2

I say the above rhyme quite often. It came to me in meditation in 2012.

By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
July 17, 2002

Dear Ken,

Sylphs are sylph shaped, like slender graceful young women. Paracelsus coined the term to apply to creatures of the air that he witnessed. Sylphs are male and female and they grow larger over their long lives, yet they retain their willowy appearance. Shad, their chief, is hundreds of feet tall and is approaching the size that he will find it more comfortable to migrate to the belt of comets beyond Pluto's orbit. Sylphs have no problem flying through space even though they are borne of the air and aether. Each comet is a being, an ancient sylph. When Halley's Comet returned in 1986 its magnetic field could be photographed creating a bow-shock and wake in the solar magnetic field
100,000 miles away from the dirty snowball of the 10 mile long comet body. That means the magnetic field of the INTRA-dimensional cometary being is 100,000 miles across. The comet core is like a pearl in a very large oyster.


The Trio by Allison L. Williams Hill

Trevor James Constable, wrote about the US Air Force sending out Foo-Fighters during the Second World War to photograph and possibly shoot down the wing enveloping lights which were spooking their bomber crews. The German airmen were seeing similar phenomena and they named them gremlins. These gremlins were also known to cause mechanical problems in aircraft. Constable does not cite the bombing runs during which the Foo-gremlins caused problems but knowing Sylphs it was probably during the fire-bombings of Dresden and other cities where innocent civilians were killed. The Sylphs are advanced consciousnesses and they would have deemed such murder as entirely evil. The Luftwaffe may have seen gremlins during their bombings of London, Stalingrad and Leningrad where many people were killed.

Shad who personally witnessed the atomic war of 2024 BC and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 would harass B-52 pilots and crews in such a way to let them know that what they are doing with atomic weaponry was stupid. Shad would activate or shut down non-essential systems. Also he would find fatal flaws in the systems which could cause crashes and point out where the problems were while the plane was still on the ground. Shad may have prevented the crashes of many atomic bomb carrying aircraft, "broken-arrows". These Sylphs were a pest to the pilots and ground crews and in many ways prevented the USAF from carrying out their missions. So the Air Force developed ways of detecting and repelling Sylphs.


This being was flying around in Orangeburg, South Carolina. I was outside in the backyard. I called to get his (I am certain it was male energy) energy. He looked down. The photo is his face, I waved and spoke. Nice day!

Infrared photography showed the presence of Sylphs but it took time to develop the film. Royal Rife and Ruth B. Drown instruments could instantly detect Sylphs. Microwave and radio frequencies were discovered which repelled Sylphs. From a Sylph's respective these "sounds" are like fingernails scraping across a chalkboard, irritating. Radar was developed which detected and repelled Sylphs. The frequencies used in dopplar-weather radar irritate Sylphs.Constable placing one of his infrared photos of a Sylph on the metal plate of a Ruth B. Drown diagnostic machine was able to determine that calcium was a major component of the third dimensional portion of the airy body. He later determined that the calcium was in an air gel web or mesh. As the air gel is less than one percent of the Sylph, the Sylphs were able to adapt and continue their bothersome behaviour against the nuclear armed nations of the world.


Species by Allison L. Williams Hill

The USAF is made up of military types who think in friend or foe, them or us scenerios. The Sylphs are working against the Air Force and therefore are enemies, so the USAF is going to find their weaknesses and neutralize them. In truth Sylphs are coordinating a large part of the world's ecology and to neutralize (kill) Sylphs would destroy life on Earth. It is the military thought process which is the real enemy. The Sylphs have diverted weather fronts to help aircraft and people on the ground. They have done everything possible to prevent nuclear war. Some pilots who carry good conscious awareness were psychically warned away from deadly situations. Destructive wind and rain happens but if the large weather fronts from the tropics were shutdown the temperate climates worldwide would turn into deserts. Now the USAF and others want to take over the job of running the world's weather. They do not have a friggin idea about what drives weather. The Air Force may be trying to kill all Sylphs in order to take the responsibility to make weather for their own purposes. It would be just another plan to depopulate the world wholesale.


The GWEN , ELF and HAARP arrays were first developed as ways to destroy Sylphs, the enemy of the USAF. After fifty years Sylphs still own the skies. There is a military adage that whoever owns the skies has the superior tactical advantage and will eventually win the war on the ground (should it be decided that the ground war must cease). As Wilhelm Reich discovered deadly orgone accumulates over cities and wherever man applies unbalanced magnetic and electromagnetic fields. The basic problem creating deadly orgone is the conflict between men and women. Sylphs are constantly using wind, rain, lightning, thunder and fire to breakup concentrations of static or deadly orgone.


(Under Universal Spiritual Law the Sylphs are allowed to correct these imbalances because deadly orgone creates "unmerited karma" against a large portion of the population. As the catalytic conditions which could result from these static conditions are undeserved then the Sylphs can take action. Virtually all acts of war are "unmerited karma" due to the presence of innocent non-combatants.)


People using Reich instruments under Wingmaker (Sylph) guidance are assisting in the breaking up of static magnetics. The Wingmakers are asking for assistance on the ground because the chemtrails and electromagnetics from HAARP and GWEN are making it difficult for them to function over the USA and other western nations. The NWO wants a curtain of deadly orgone overtop cities so that they can control people. The western USA is drying out due to static magnetics over the whole region. Aluminium particles are used to
get inside Sylphs and zap their air gels. Mycoplasma bacteria is only unhealthy to Sylphs when they work inside deadly orgone. The flooding of the San Antonio region may have destroyed a band of GWENs making it possible to move monsoon like summer rain to New Mexico and Arizona. The 1993 flood of the Mississippi was a test to place a deadly orgone cap over "Dead" Moines and St. Louis. Such a cap would have created a ten year drought over the Great Plains and turned off the world's breadbasket with all the dire consequences that would have brought about.The Sylphs washed away the cap and destroyed much equipment and credibility of the USAF scientists.


The holes in the ozone layer was caused by the use of Freon as a propellant in early NASA capsules. Ionized by solar ultraviolet, free chlorine ions would spiral along the Earth's lines of magnetic energy and descend back to Earth at the poles. That is why the problem is worse at the poles especially the the south pole. NASA has stopped using Freon and masked their guilt by pushing the ban on ground released CFCs. As the Sylphs are responsible for the ozone layer they have moved to the arctic and antarctic circumpolar vortexes in such a way to flush the chlorine into lower parts of the atmosphere.
Combining with moisture in the lower atmosphere it will rain down into the oceans and become part of the salt water. HAARP may be a billion watts but a circumpolar flush is more powerful than a billion HAARPs. The USAF does not own the skies.


5 Members by  Allison L. Williams Hill

Sylphs tell me that the different colours of the aurora are ionized oxygen, nitrogen and argon created above the atmosphere near the equator and magnetically conveyed to the poles. Solar wind ions do not contribute the wavy bands of colour. Red is separated from green bands by the magnetic conveyance from the tropics.


Sound by Allison L. Williams Hill

I have been sitting on this knowledge for years. I believe that I am able to report this to you because the Wingmakers have taken all the attacks and insults without retaliating. They have turned the cheek thousands of times. Always they have done the greatest good for the greatest number. Except for the Sylph who was being driven mad by ship board GWENs and Naval Radars. He ripped the roof off a Aloha 737. The aircraft did land with a lot of Wingmaker help. He also ripped a cargo hatch off a 747 a little later. Maybe the Navy realized that it is not good to piss-off a Sylph and they stopped what they were doing. The USAF may be coming to realize this too.

Don and Carol Croft Thank-you.

The NWO is no match to the Wingmakers. Many nefarious plans have been stymied by those who rule the skies. Any time some NWO Napolean rears his or her head and causes problems, the Wingmakers already have a plan to
thwart anything which causes "unmerited suffering".

Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone

Source:USAF Versus Wingmakers

Three Sylphs Killed Today

By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone

January 30, 2005

Friday January 28 2005: I became very weary after supper and laid down. Five hours later I was in the same position fully clothed when my wife came to bed. I checked my email and then went to bed again. I awoke seven hours later. My right shoulder hurt as if it had been pulled out of the socket. Many other joints were aching as well. I felt like I had been in a war zone. The imagery in my mind was a chaotic collage of conflicts. After showering, I knew that two Sylphs had been killed by microwaves and scalar beams by the US Air Force and Navy somewhere south of Hawaii.

A Sylph is mainly fourth dimensional with a spider’s web skin with which it is able to work into the third dimension. The skin was peeled off the Sylph leaving just the aetheric body. The Sylph is still living, but it is unable to create rain. It is the same thing as someone killing a human body, leaving the soul wandering without its corporeality. Murder is murder whether it is human or deva. It takes centuries for a Sylph to grow to the size needed to work with the planet as a climate and ecological go-between.


Isamo Noguchi Museum Garden by Allison L. Williams Hill

So the Sylph retreats until such a time that it re-assembles a new skin. It still hurts to be flailed out of the skin by energy weapons. It is kind of like being placed in a microwave oven until the skin boils and sloughs off.

At 5 pm January 29 2005 my Sylph buddy, Or-An, got that same treatment. I broke into tears.

At 6 pm sixteen of us came together to invoke a healing for the planet and the natural kingdoms including all devas. About half of the people are psychics. Maggie picked up on the name Or-An, a name I had never passed on to another person. She said Or-An wants me not to grieve as everything will be alright. The tightness around the heart started lifting. Maggie added that things do not appear to be as they seem.


Several of us could see and hear Indian drums. I could see four men standing around a single drum each with a drumstick. They were in deep trance and it was as if the drum were beating itself. There was native blood among the sixteen.


The Sentinels by Allison L. Williams Hill

I saw a yellow flash and the face of the sun erupting with sunspots and great explosions. I could hear a deep bass tone but it was of a very low pitch with wave lengths that could be measured in the millions of miles. These sounds
were shaking things loose throughout the solar system. These intones of the sun are doing things deep in the Earth. Maggie heard them too. She said that the sound was like an Australian Aboriginal didgeridoo. The sound is transmitted in both the aetheric and the solar winds.

The Sylphs who had been rendered of their skin were actually happy. It was as if they were released of the pain of their existence on Earth which had been growing worse over the last century. It was as if the USAF and Navy had given them a great gift... a battlefield ribbon and medal as well. When their new skin re-grows they will be battle hardened in a way which will make them stronger.


Pavilion by Allison L. Williams Hill

I saw Obi Wan Kenobi saying, "If you kill me, I shall return with increased powers."

I saw that killing a Sylph is like giving it a writ from the highest authorities, "To do what it would like to do."

Many times I have seen their plans to transport Wolfowitz et al. to a tropical isle and strand them there.

That would make for an interesting season of "Survivor." Being transported inside a transparent skin thousands of feet in the air is a scary experience. In Manly P. Hall’s "Encyclopaedia of the Occult, 1928 edition", the Sylph Shad, an amusing fellow, was known to have carried people to distant towns. They were never quite the same after the trip.


The Lady in the Clouds by Allison L. Williams Hill

The energy work of the sixteen was amazing.

There are weapons in orbit which participated in the Sylph barbeque.
Weapons were also on some naval vessels. It is likely some of the sailors were "Radar-ranged."

Some of the Sylph council sessions can be wild. A plan was promoted where the weapons in space would be dropped into the ocean and the naval vessels, less the crew and nukes, would be in low earth orbit. Unlike most satellites which are non reflective, a destroyer in naval grey would be very reflective
and visible to all amateur astronomers, barnacles and all.

What the Sylphs have been waiting for... is permission to go after the spewplanes... with three dead Sylphs, the permission will soon be coming.

Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone

Source: Three Sylphs Killed



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