Glastonbury Challis Well Steps-

lastonbury Challis Steps" are at the Challis Well site, a place that Raphael and I spoke about. The spiritual significance of the place spans thousands of years. This was one of the reasons I liked being in England was its history connected to such places.

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Promise by Allison L. Williams Hill

"This is a simplified image of the design that graces the cover of the Chalice Well at Glastonbury, designed in the nineteenth century by archaeologist Bligh Bond. Crafted of wrought iron and wood, it depicts the Vesica Pisces, a symbol of the divine feminine,(turn this symbol ninety degrees and you have In(tuitive)-Vesica's vesica piscis) and Excalibur, the sword of the legendary King Arthur, who is believed by some to be buried at Glastonbury.

Challis Well symbol, Symbol Dictionary

 "The wellspring at Glastonbury is considered to be one of England’s most Holy sites. The well itself dates back over two thousand years, and was sacred to both early Pagans and the Christians who later built an abbey on the site. Today, the well is a place of pilgrimage for Christians and Pagans alike, many of whom believe the red, iron rich water has healing and miraculous properties. The vesica Pisces theme is repeated in the shape of the pool at the base of the hill, where the water from the spring flows.

"An old legend holds that after the crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea traveled to England and hid the Holy Grail on the premises, accounting for the water’s red hue. Modern Neopagans who use the site equate the waters with the menstruum of the Goddess."

Source: Symbol Dictionary

The Well drawing and the Garden were on-site sketches. The Steps at Challis Well was a psychic drawing done before I thought I knew about psychic art. I heard "voices," however, I regret not tuning in as I learned to do later at Delphi





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The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

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