elcome to In(tuitive)-Vesica Art Design Energy for persons who desire changes in their lives. I appreciate your visit here. Read about the offerings available that are presented. Leave comments if you like.
In-Vesica's integrated health program practice is a holistic approach to health and wellness, examining all connected areas of your life. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.
A health coach (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.
We are not only fed by food but by other factors in our lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual practice are essential forms of nourishment. When these “primary foods” are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. When would you like to talk with me about your health and receive the personal attention you deserve? We can sit for an hour to discuss your life's nutrition and future goals in a supportive environment.
It's all about helping you to facilitate change.
Why do you want to change your life?
What would you need to do to change your life?
What would you want to do to change your life?
Find out by scheduling a free consultation with me.
We will discuss your unique situation in depth and determine how I can help you reach your personal goals. Fill out the form below to discuss setting up an appointment to fill out a health history form...or to just discuss.
This mandala is a little unusual. Rather than a single circle with a symmetrical pattern, it is two circles intersecting the centers of the other forming what is called a "Vesica piscis." I created it in 2012 for personal use. The colors are layered drawing you deeper into it. The opening through which brilliant white light escapes is the place where you place your thoughts, play your visions. Think; speak out loud, and see in this area. Expand the light more by opening the slit. The original size of the art work is 18" x 12". Use the form below indicating your interest in the mandala. I will send the download along with suggestions on how and where to mount it for maximum use. Most of all, HAVE FUN. I hope you enjoy it.
My husband was able to see Advarti. Even though he existed in the fourth dimension, not visible to the standard range of light accessible by humans on the third dimensional plane, he was able to describe him. Advarti had large red lips, small yellow-gold eyes and green skin. Clem looked up at the wall opposite him and said, "Why is there a clown in here?" Advarti replied, "I am not a clown." When we shared this information with Raphael di Angelo he clarified that he did look like our images of clowns. Advarti's species may have been seen by other humans who, perhaps, subconsciously used them to create clowns as we know them.
These charts developed from the information in Peter D'Adamo's Eat Right For Your Blood Type series. The charts show foods arranged alphabetically according to color for each blood type. The information at the rear includes cooking tips.
When the pages are printed (card stock is ideal), I suggest that you slip them into a clear sleeve or laminate them for protection so they will last longer.
I really think that you will find that these charts will be instrumental if you choose to eat more color and will improve your health, in general. Eating right for your blood type is not universally supported because scientists were not able to duplicate D'Adamo's results for diets of other cultures.
Nevertheless, eating color is fun. If you select your foods carefully across the spectrum you can consume the appropriate range of vitamins, minerals and fiber your body will need.
Until I revise it, please fill out the form below and list which ones you would like. I will email them to you. They are free. I created:
All Blood Types Food Color Chart
The All Blood Food Color Chart lists foods for all blood types.Each pdf file has helpful cooking tips and ideas. Slip them in plastic sleeves for repeated use.