Potager Garden

he potager garden originated in Europe. It was an extension of the kitchen, with herbs, flowering plants, fruits and vegetables used in food preparation. An eating space allowed persons to eat meals in pleasant weather.  Waste from food prep went into compost, creating rich soil for more plants and roots from certain vegetables were replanted for more food. This was the area where agriculture and food science met. Its  design was welcoming and personal. Guests only saw it when the family invited them, otherwise this working/eating space was intimate and casual. Everyone, every household should create one.

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Below chemtrails at 6 Flags Amusement Park

Below chemtrails at 6 Flags Amusement Park

The potager garden, or garden in general, whether for food production or beauty, lays passively under climate engineering activities. We are consuming aluminum, boron, other unnecessary products and tainted blood in our foods from chemtrails sitting in the atmosphere. Just as trees are taking it in through their roots, water body inhabitants are taking it into their bodies, and so are we from the air and in our food supply.

Potager Garden Design Element path of stones laid in a spiral

Potager Garden Design Element

A beautifully articulated garden path using multi-colored stones

A beautifully articulated garden path that reminds me confluence of the Black and White Aragvi Rivers in Georgia; the Danube, Inn, and Ilz Rivers in Europe, and the Rhone and Arve Rivers in Geneva. There are several two-colored river confluences around the world.

You can determine IF you are in the path of a chemtrail. Look up and if you see a plume that looks like a contrail, evaporation out of the rear of an airplane but it sits in the sky longer than a few  minutes, you are looking at a chemtrail. Place a sheet of glass on a support (5 gallon container.) The rain will deposit the contents. Wait for it to dry and scrape the cloudy substance from the glass into a sterile container. Bring it to an agricultural laboratory for testing. 

Chemtrails across crystal-clear blue skies

Chemtrails across crystal-clear blue skies

I have accumulated information on biodynamic farming and I hope it can purify the soils where I live and elsewhere. Proof of this would be provided if the soil is tested before and after treatment.

The H2O Project was used in the Caribbean Sea, on land, and in my body. It is another tool to help restore the land. Prayed over, powerful, has a reach for many miles, H2O Project water is an asset inside of the body and out.  

The healing fires burning during agnihotra produce ash that will be applied to the land to revitalize and nourish it.

Merge with Water by Allison L. Williams Hill

The garden is designed according to the neighborhood in addition to my family's needs. The fauna, flora, and people figure into what is produced.
Intuition influences what it consists of and who benefits. It's the same with the trees. The garden creation reminds me of the significance of bodies of fresh water in the Caribbean, specifically, the British Virgin Islands.

British Virgin Islands Bananaquits are roly-poly black and yellow birds.. They loved brown sugar. Wilson Reynolds fed them every morning when he and his  wife, Nancy, were there.

Quits by Allison L. Williams Hill

Migrating birds needed the ponds to rehydrate during their journeys. The number of ponds supported the natural workings of the small bodies of water. Water evaporates and the quantities contained therein are further reduced by the consumption from the birds and other animals. The rainy season cycle replenishes it. As each pond contains a limited amount of water, many ponds, dotted across all of the islands, provide the birds with water for their use. The quantity of ponds allows for the segregation of some species to reduce conflict.

Birds visit sites and drop feathers which send streams of energy for birds to recognize when they fly over the site.  This was written in a book called Divining the Primary Sense by Herbert Weaver, a wonderful book that answers questions about nature.

Some of these sites are littered with their species' feathers, marking these sites for them.This does not barricade the pond from other birds. Birds travel at different times through their lives, but all commence when the weather changes. Some birds start out earlier. Some travel faster and longer than others.

Many land owners, unfortunately, fill in the ponds so that they may maximize the use of their property. Unless a person thought to insure birds had their needs met, the legal body of the territory does not require that land owners provide for non-human members of the planet.

As it is with bodies of water, so should it be with

Potager Garden Food Production

 They should be located and planted according to the number of families they will supply. It would take time to grow on people, especially this and subsequent generations that have not had the benefit of learning gardening from family  members. During post-enslavement migrations to the north, for those who fortunately escaped the south's Jim Crow re-enslavement methods, Black people grew produce  in pots, coffee cans, and other reycled receptacles and created personal gardens where they could in areas that became known as urban centers.  

Neighborhood Potager Gardens

Gardens that are well attended usually have an overabundance of produce. That can be distributed to neighborhood soup kitchens; food banks, or directly to family; friends, and neighbors. Produce can be used for barter agreements
to acquire what does not come from the garden.  Here is a photo of a neighborhood/town where every yard is planted with edibles.

Foodscaping integrates edibles and ornamental flora into aesthetically pleasing landscapes. Vegetable farms tend to have a work-intensive look and are appealing to, uh, farmers. Oak trees stand among kale, hot peppers, and other choices a family, community or neighborhood choose to grow and sustain itself.

A drawing of a pleasure whose floor plan could be used in whole or in part for the garden.

Plan, as always, with everything you do. Please use non-GMO seed sources and products. Be aware of garden products and what they do to humans and other non-human beings who are  contributors to your creation


USDA Agricultural Research Service Interactive Map

This is soooooo cooool! To have an interactive map is the best thing!
I really appreciate this resource. I created ESRI maps for the Town and Country Planning Department for the British Virgin Islands Government and enjoyed doing so. Maps are created to convey information and this site is significant because it involves you.

"The 2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. The map is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, divided into 10-degree F zones.

For the first time, the map is available as an interactive GIS-based map, for which a broadband Internet connection is recommended, and as static images for those with slower Internet access. Users may also simply type in a ZIP Code and find the hardiness zone for that area."

(Quoted Source: USDA Interactive Map Website)

Chippewa Valley Growers

How to Sun Map Your Garden

 Lauren Arcuri has several articles at Treehugger about creating farms. I have saved many of them. This link is to the main webpage where you can choose among several articles, in any order you need.  Ms. Arcuri has a farm and the articles reflect her experience and expertise. Good resource.    

I was pleased to see that there are several websites of African American farmers.There were over 925,000 farmers in 1920. In 2020, the number is down to a little over 45,000. One could say that is true for a lot of farmers. Many have been bought out or have had failures. Black farmers won a federal lawsuit totaling over a billion dollars that proved USDA discrimination over many years barring them from receiving federal interest rate loans and subsidies.I don't know if that money made it to them, but there is another stimulus act for them to receive what they need to maintain their farms and grow them.

A group of black farmers based in Memphis were sold defective seeds by Stine Seed Co., the nation's largest independent seed producer. They are suing. These are just two of the issues that A-A farmers experienced.

White farmers consistently receive federal support. In 2013 and 2014, Monsanto was front and center of legal battles suing many organic farmers worldwide. Since its exposure of the product Roundup and the terminal cancer rate of its users, Monsanto and its parent corporation Bayer International, maker of a product people in the British Virgin Islands use called Baygon to kill mosquitos and other pests, lost and were ordered to pay millions in restitution to dying people. A friend was warned by an exterminator to prevent her son  from spraying the product in an enclosed room. Baygon is not imported to the United States because it is a carcinogenic.
Vernon Hugh Bowman, a 75 year old farmer in Indiana, lost a legal battle against Monsanto and GMO seeds.

I chose one African American farmers: 40 Acre Co-op "...supports Black, Indigenous and other excluded farmers."

This is a sprinkle of the news that exists. Do your research. Make connections. Soon, I hope to be one among you. :-)

I purchased my favorite book How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons in the early 80s. It is in its ninth edition and you can purchase a dvd. Read the website to familiarize yourself with growing food. You might also select another book on vegetarianism to create your new food plan. Remember:

"If it has a face and moves, leave it alone."

                                                  Gary Null










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