e are our brothers' and sisters' keepers. As such, we are also Nature's
keeper. Nature is diverse with elements that provide redundant gifts
through different species.
In spite of the original intent behind most gardens created for pleasure, people benefit from them. Their beauty, fragrances and sensations evoke joy, even bliss, in visitors. Those who bring the smiles, the great feelings that flow from their hearts deposit their contribution and it is collected by the individuals - trees, bushes, and flowers - that exist there.
Flora contribute to the environment, absorbing what they need from it, absorbing what we leave as waste in it.
revealed that trees communicate, something dowsers and other sensitives
always knew. Trees have life systems including what was named a heart.
When my husband and I planted trees on his beachfront property in
Josiah's Bay, Tortola, V.I. (UK) he intuited how the trees wanted to be
oriented. The front door is an aetheric opening two feet up the trunk
through which energy enters.
I dowsed to check where their front
doors were located. I asked the trees if they were happy where they
were. All of the individuals' responses were positive.
it was revealed that trees have more than one door. And we have recently
learned that humans have more than one brain, three at this point.
is not to say there is a correlation but that somewhat complex
organisms have similarities. Scientists revealed that trees talk to each
other about survival.
North Road Trees by Allison L. Williams Hill
From a National Geographic video called "How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other in the Forest":
trees are the oldest and tallest that have greater access to sunlight.
Their leaves form the canopy. I thought that there was competition, with
leaves blocking sunlight to the forest floor below, however, they do
provide for the floral beings below. Photosynthesis produces more sugar
that is absorbed by underground fungi through their mycellium, a mass of
threadlike roots that intertwine within the tree's roots. In a
beautiful exchange, the mycelium provides the roots with water and
nutrients (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) from the soil. This fungus
and root relationship is called mycorrhiza (mycos=fungus, riza-root).
All of this occurs underground. Exchanging necessary elements and
warning trees when a threat is determined.
Studies revealed that
a hub tree sets up tens of connections within a stand. Studies also
showed how important the older and taller individuals are in that
almost half of the connections organized among trees would be lost if one was removed.
Every individual, in my garden or Mother Nature's, is important.
The above meditation mandala will be available soon.