
Posted February 12, 2010 on Black

 was watching HLN on a Sunday in November 2009 when a discussion was underway about a 14 year-old girl who allegedly set up another 14 year-old for a gang rape by three males. 

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Spirit Is Here by Allison L. Williams Hill

The images of three young Black men were shown.

On that Sunday in November 2009, it was also mentioned that the girl who allegedly set up the other girl was the girlfriend of one of the alleged rapists.

The three males were already in bright orange jumpsuits.

It reminded me of a situation that occurred in the British Virgin Islands.

Two H. L Stoutt Community College attendees, located at Paraquita Bay, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, attacked another student. The victim was attending the college for a purpose. Her grades proved it.

The other two students set her up. One attacked her, the other filmed it with her cell phone and promptly uploaded it on to the Internet. The attacker was expelled from the college. She attempted to hire an attorney to take the case to court, however, none of the attorneys wanted to represent her because of the recording: she was filmed beating the girl.

The victim never fought; she knew if she did she would lose her scholarship. After the attack, she attended a final exam and received a perfect grade.

What both of these incidents have in common, in two different parts of the world, is what is perceived as acceptable Black behavior and what is stereotype.

A backward rationale is also applied to all sorts of perverted behavior and acts: since it is expected then why shouldn’t it be done?

Black men are perceived a certain way and many of them are focused on making the rationale a reality, probably like the three young men I saw on television, if the charges were true.

Regarding the young women in both incidents, it was all about a young man.

During the week of February 8th, more television stations aired the beating of a young Black girl by another in a Seattle bus tunnel as three, THREE Black security personnel stood around them and watched. The more I heard it, I thought the reason they probably did nothing, besides the fact that their job description requires that they “only observe” and nothing more, was that the fight was over them.

Men seem to like “chick fights” and that they might be the center of attention. I look forward to ALL of the girls appearing in court with their parents or guardians.

I hope people will see the security tape and understand that a job description should not come between themselves and their values. For men to slavishly adhere to a whatever-dollars-and-some-cents job they have no control over is sad.

I will end on a high note. a friend forwarded this site from Lawson State Community College Celebrating Black History 365. Black people, powerful people are featured here. Click on an image and you will be brought to a Wikipedia biography.

I use energy and design, or geomancy in my architectural projects. One of the geomantic arts is feng shui, Chinese in origin. Ifa´, a West African form of geomancy is new to me and under study.

I feel the crux of geomancy, which brings the user into a Mind/Body/Spirit state, is thought and feelings.

I think the images of the people shown on the site above will make excellent “cures” in specific areas of rooms. In Thunder or Ancestors, the middle of the left wall in relation to the space’s entrance is reserved for those who have crossed over.

When viewed think of what you admire most about them and what you desire to happen in your life. Consider, “If (name) were with me now, what would s/he say about ________?”

The far right corner is Earth or Helpful Friends, for those who are with us and caring. This is also the corner for love interests. The opposite corner is Heaven or Angels, for those you consider as such.

Each area has an assignment. When one looks upon those objects or images in those spaces, the intention is strengthened. This is another way of applying the Secret. Include relatives and friends to support more personable thoughts and feelings.

Sunday Is the Traditional Day of Worship.

We acknowledge and honor that which supports us, fortifies us. People create central areas in their homes that can be considered altars with pictures of families, friends, and objects, both holy and sentimental. The suggestions on using your walls and corners for images and objects that remind you of what is good in the world expands your Sunday, day of worship into everyday, days of Love.



The Purpose of Life

Creative Caregiving

Create Affirmations


Food and Energy

Food and Color

Fourth Dimension

Higher World

The Master



Will Power



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program



The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

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