
he colors for this art work,"Partnership", called to be placed.  This is the process with psychic art, but there was a stronger sense of this as if it were the main thing that was important.  Or, perhaps that was what I was only open to receive.  The colors are vibrant but conveying more than just their meanings.

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Energetic forms are spherically shaped because it is the most efficient.  Energy radiates out from a central point, expands and flows.The movements of my hands are evident in the forms that took shape on the charcoal paper.  The psychic energy moves through the hands and body of the artist.  

This was also an exercise for me to understand and acknowledge that my vision is somewhat limited.  Spirit manifests in many forms. None of us can afford to select what we will accept.   We do not decide what does exist. What others are doing this to us? Look at Whitley Streiber's Ozark Mountain Publishing UFO Conference presentation in 2016. Extraterrestrials were recorded  on a person's porch camera. The only thing I could sat was, "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!" They can, indeed, look different.  Size 18" x 12"

What is Psychic Art?

Psychic art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, A form of psychic art, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and psychic art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura art, a unique drawing technique was so named and is being taught by Patricia Hayes, founder of Delphi University of Spiritual Studies in McCaysville, Georgia. Ms. Hayes was the personal assistant to Arthur Ford. She is a gifted spiritual channel and has spent the past 40 years teaching people to develop their spiritual abilities.

Relaxation is key. You ask a question and the information is received. It is as if you serve as a container collecting the information until you sit down to "draw it" from you and put it to paper. The relaxed state continues as one draws what comes through Energy.

The colors have meaning; the shapes have meaning. Without intending, people draw faces, animals, and forms. Each element has a reason for being there.In the Entura art course, some exercises included meditation and writing. From there, you create the art. After the artwork is completed, the relaxed state continues because that is from where the image is interpreted. Remember, the artwork answers a question. 

The images are very beautiful and wonderful to view. No matter how many times you see it, you may find something in the art work you had never seen before. 

This numinous information is multi-layered, representative of our spiritual selves.

My experience has been what I call "Brainstorming in the Etheric Realm." Floods of sensations, feelings, ideas, moved through me. 

It was a completely different state of consciousness, beyond how I used to draw. I captured all of the information that flowed through my third eye.

Everything related, the magnitude of it all. It was literally cosmic and yet familiar.

I have had drawing instruction from various artists since I was a child and attended a vocational high school where the arts were major courses. 

I found that when doing Entura art I draw faces better than I have ever done before.This state of being is always available to each of us. It is expressive and deepens your relationship with Spirit. For those who may have had difficulty learning meditation, Entura art may be the creative breakthrough that can serve you.

For a look at Ms. Hayes' work and others who have studied Entura art, visit the Entura Art Graduates and Artists group at Click on the photos tab and see what has been contributed to the gallery. You will see many, many different styles but they all bring us back to Spirit. Click on Ms. Hayes' name to visit her personal gallery.

Even though I discussed my uncle's birthday with relatives, it still slipped my mind to send a birthday card. Eventually, I remembered and went to stores to get one. They were neither attractive nor suitable. Thoughts pop into my mind a lot; this time it was I can create the card. Spirit "appeared" in Mind and it occurred to me I could ask for their assistance in its creation. I asked Spirit if they had a message for my uncle who was about to enter the one hundredth year of being alive on the planet in this lifetime. The message was beautiful, a reminder of God in Action daily through his wife who also a reverend. My aunt is taking care of him as he experiences Alzheimer's. The channeling was moving. The image has faces of energy with rejoicing expressions of love.

Thought - Nummo detail by Allison L. Williams Hill

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist, designer, planner, Master Metaphysician, and Wholistic Health Coach. Her life and work acknowledge the interconnectedness of concepts that have been traditionally considered separate and irrelevant. She shares her work and services of Entura art through her web sites. She has an Entura Art gallery at She offers Entura Art for meditation, soul portraits, psychic investigation,energy readings, and unique birthday cards at

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River 2 by Allison L. Williams Hill

Entura means "enter the aura". A person accesses the subtle energy plane and the feelings sensed from there take on form and color. Using meditation and writing, the drawing is interpreted for its use of color, shapes, and images that appear.

Entura art can: 

  • Answer questions, and
  • Assist you in deepening to find answers within yourself.

Entura art is an interesting and exciting way to connect with the multiple levels of our being. The interpretation of the image could provide relevant messages and can be used for meditation. I would be happy to create an image for you based on a question or on your energy reading.  Other images are displayed at the In-Vesica Art Gallery hosted by Art

Sound by Allison L. Williams Hill

As with all intuitive orders, they will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received. I suggest you email me first at In-Vesica using the contact form below to see what orders are in place before you order. 

I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once payment is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available. 

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Color Healing

Soul Portraits

Soul Life Reading

Energy Reading




Color and Blood



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's Art Gallery.

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