The Two

he Two” are beings I meditated with who have appeared many times in my life.  There was a strong feeling of familiarity.  Initially, their certainty convinced me that it was true.   They “came in” a larger drawing of couples as I was examining how the relationship between my husband and I was changing.   I drew the woman during the second Entura art class in 2008, working to get her "right", to make sure her features were hers.

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She was speaking to me in my left ear as Patricia was sharing her insights on my drawing at my right ear. I was able to hear both of them without a problem. Moreover, I also thought that it was common to hear the energies speak as one focused on the drawing. The things you think are common are not raised as questions. People assume everyone else has the same or similar experience. It is from here that we tend to think of ourselves as "with the group", undistinguished, and not graced with gifts.

The Roam by Allison L. Williams Hill

The Relationships by Allison L. Williams Hill

It is clear in the drawing. Three couples, two appear together but not the third. He is sitting. The woman, me, is facing away from him, not touching him, not near him. This was my subconscious reaction to what my husband was experiencing. The change was so different, I had not idea what was going on. When Patricia read the drawing, my heart opened and I breathed into it. I was stunned that that was the way I felt. I do say that I was frustrated,out-of-sorts because the change in our life together was sudden and it was so completely different. Unfortunately, I was not flexible enough to accommodate change easily.

The Two Meet Me in 2021

At that time, my husband was experiencing changes. A reading of the entire image from which The Two was included, said that I was angry at my husband
because of the changes he was experiencing. While thinking about the image, the following came to me:

"I get angry at change. I get angry because I no longer have it correct. When change occurs, I have to change rather than think I’m wrong. I felt wrong most of my young life,  that I was not intelligent enough to understand most things. Everything changes. So does the Creator or, rather, my perception of it. Change cannot remain for my comfort level. I grow, I change. It is inevitable.  I was given the ability and the skills to accommodate change."

I felt frustration...about change.

Later, when I finally figured out why this event was happening, I became angry. I learned that it was external energy beyond our union that  was facilitating this change and it was going on for years. Above all, I had to acknowledge that our union was an agreement made in Spirit using this interference by which we were to grow: Clem ascended and I was to become the Lightworker I was born to be.

What is Psychic Art?

Psychic art involves entering a meditative state and communicating with Spirit. Similar to channeled writing, A form of psychic art, Entura or "enter the aura" art is automatic and uses color. There is little "thinking" involved. Art itself uses the left brain for technique and psychic art requires none of this knowledge. In fact, the beauty of this is that no prior art experience is necessary.

Entura art, a unique drawing technique was so named and is being taught by Patricia Hayes, founder of Delphi University of Spiritual Studies in McCaysville, Georgia. Ms. Hayes was the personal assistant to Arthur Ford. She is a gifted spiritual channel and has spent the past 40 years teaching people to develop their spiritual abilities.

Entura means "enter the aura". A person accesses the subtle energy plane and the feelings sensed from there take on form and color. Using meditation and writing, the drawing is interpreted for its use of color, shapes, and images that appear.

Entura art can:

    Answer questions, and

    Assist you in deepening to find answers within yourself.

Entura art is an interesting and exciting way to connect with the multiple levels of our being. The interpretation of the image could provide relevant messages and can be used for meditation. I would be happy to create an image for you based on a question or on your energy reading. Other images are displayed at the In-Vesica Art Gallery hosted by Art

As with all intuitive orders, Soul Portraits will be meditated on and created in the order the request was received. I suggest you email me first at In-Vesica contact form below to see what orders are in place before you order.
I can inform you of approximately how long it will take to develop the portrait. Once payment is received, you will be told, via email, of the finish date and when it will be digitally available.





Color Healing

Soul Portraits

Soul Life Reading

Energy Reading




Color and Blood



In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's Art Gallery.

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