Creative Caregiving and Receiving

Creative Caregiving and Receiving Abundance

reative caregiving and receiving guides a caregiver to request and receive assistance from traditional, though considered unorthodox places.  

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The Goddess Within by Allison L. Williams Hill

It welcomes all kinds of ways to reinvent how we live.  During the weekend after Valentine’s Day, a friend reminded me that I don’t have to do it all alone.  We were talking about a mutual friend who made the transition.  I told her the reason why I reconnected with her was because of him.  He told me “You don’t have to do this all by yourself.  But you feel you have to.  Call all of the healers you know and ask for help” and he gave me her phone number. During this conversation I thanked her again for her healing work and time.  Conversations are limited to a few friends because most of the time is used physically taking care of or preparing things for my husband. 

I have several websites for which I create content that require time.   In addition, I have other completed and developing projects.  My goal is to earn income through all of them.   

Sound by Allison L. Williams Hill

Receiving for My Beloved

My husband has expressed many times that he wished I would use my abilities to sense what he wants rather than expecting him to speak them.  I respond that finances, his health and needs move me to the practical/logical side and away from my intuitive side.  Tornadoes of overwhelm rise up when I think about being able to address all that he requires and shortfalls that may not even occur.  My studies and experiences with alternative healing (in-vesica), spiritual work (in-vesica , living altars), and art serve to balance life (add web sites).  I must, however, remember to ask.  

Accepting from the start that efforts will not yield desired results shuts off the flow of possibilities.  If the thoughts shift towards “Ask all anyway” , answers beyond what is needed, and perhaps not even considered but connected,  may be given. 

Receiving Spirit

I made the time to pursue my spiritual activities and I felt Spirit’s presence more every single day.  Spirit may be the best place to ask.  If the feeling is right, then go forward.  If the feeling is not, rephrase the question.  If you do not embrace Spirit, still ask yourself if what you want to do feels right.  Ask if Agnes knows of a resource or if Theresa and John could help with a task.  If they are unable, ask for a suggestion.  You may end up becoming the “go-to” person for those three in your quests to improve your life and that of your care recipient.   

I created an Angel poster with a slogan I wrote many years ago. The art work "came" in 2012.  I was in need of the reminder. 



Husband Clement Edwardo Hill, II


Creative Caregiving and Essential Oils

Food Preparation and Creative Caregiving

Guardianship and Creative Caregiving

Creative Caregiving and Health

Intimacy and Creative Caregiving

Laughter and Creative Caregiving

My Veteran and Creative Caregiving

Social Security and Creative Caregiving

Residential Interiors and Creative Caregiving

Therapy and Creative Caregiving

Wellbeing and Creative Caregiving


In-Vesica Health Program Approach

In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program


Soul Life Reading


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's In-Vesica Gallery Hosted by Art

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