Living Altars
Vanity Tables


iving altars vanity tables are redundant. They are not just for women of means. It is the place where a woman becomes beautiful.

The Four Tops’ hit “Beauty’s Only Skin Deep” was true. “When you are looking for a lover, don’t judge a book by its cover; she may be fine on the outside but so mean on the inside."

At Custodian I propose the ability to see at any point in time what your organs look like as a result of  your habits. I have a few photos of diseased parts. More will come.

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Young Beauty

Living Altars of Women

With cosmetics, jewelry box, hair brush, comb, and dainty chair, the vanity table was a set fixture in movie making during the 1930s to the 1960s.

In movies, a woman wore lingerie or a negligee, rarely in her public attire.
She applied makeup after examining her face for signs of aging. She brushed her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror. She may comb it next. She selected her fragrance from a beautifully displayed setting of cut glass bottles that captured and reflected light. She selected her bracelet or necklace from the jewelry box and looked in the mirror to see if it added to her beauty.


The Goddess Within by Allison L. Williams Hill

1920s Vanity Table

Living Altars Vanity Table Prep

The camera captured the facial expressions of the woman as she sat looking at her face.  Her thoughts, powerful energy were, no doubt, centered upon her beauty. Positive thoughts about how she looked were expressed. Disappointment was felt about how the beauty will fade. This was a defined place were thought concentration was practiced.


Living Altars Vanity Table Empowerment

Women and girls still use vanities; whether it is a desk with drawers, a mirror and chair, or the bathroom mirror, it should be the place where we empower ourselves. The vanity is an altar that captures the energy of our thoughts and replays them repeatedly until we change them.

More women are embracing positive self-expression and are ignoring the standards that harm a female’s psyche and, in extreme cases, her body. Our thoughts are unique and we can either harm or enliven ourselves with them.

Quan Yin 5

Ascended Master Quan Yin statue

Living Altars Vanity Table Meditation 1

Science has proven that thought can change many things about our physical being, including how we look and age. Put yourself in the alpha state of mind to create by looking slightly above eye level and de-focusing your vision.
Visualize or imagine what you desire on your forehead in the mirror. Carry it up there and replay it with improvements, if you like, during the day and in your dreams.

Would there be a need for a vanity if she were sightless? The objects the young girl or woman surrounds herself with would appeal to her senses of touch and sound. Texture and shape, positive, action words and phrases in Braille, or recordings would be the accessories on her table and on the wall around it.

Ladies' Art Tools

If the user were audibly challenged, her senses of touch and sight would be
available to her responding to favorite colors, pleasing textures, and images that invoke joy. For whatever senses are available, bring articles that stimulate, represent goals and ideals, and are memorable in this private space.


The vanity reinforces pride in oneself. Synonyms for pride are delight and pleasure. We can express delight and pleasure for what allows our expressions of beauty. Beauty is not only about the face. A synonym for beauty is magnificence, for the Light, our manifested spiritual energy, in which our bodies and minds are held. Moreover, it is about embracing our spiritual selves. We are more than our bodies.

Applying Her Face

Beauty is only skin deep but ugliness is to the bone is partially true. Beauty is to the bone. Thoughts are not limited to looking beautiful, but for feeling beautiful. Faith and good works carry energy. They radiate through and beyond you. Belief and thought create beauty when they acted upon.


I like using this note card of Buddha's face for meditation.The vanity table, actually a living altar can have as many objects as the user would like.

Sit or stand before the mirror and be thankful for all that has brought you there. Both negative and positive life experiences served you. In Spirit, agreements were made for certain events to take place in order for you to grow. Energize your intentions with positive thoughts. Feel it; mean it. Focus the energy of your thoughts at the altar consistently and you will eventually feel or see them manifest.


Living Altars Vanity Table Meditation 1

Always add flowers to your living altar, to your vanity table, the place where you state your intentions and thereafter live as if they were already here.

Always add flowers to your living altar, to your vanity table, the place where you state your intentions and thereafter live as if they were already here.

At the back of each of the blood type food charts, you can find at Color and Blood, I included a process that you can use to identify spices and herbs in your food. The same process could be applied to anything that uses your senses.


The movie “French Kiss?” had a scene between Kevin Kline’s and Meg Ryan’s characters where Luc Teyssier (Kevin Kline) presented Kate (Meg Ryan) with a wood box containing several herbs, flowers, and spices. He asked Kate to smell lavender. Take it into herself. She did this and after so doing tasted wine that Luc gave her.

With her eyes closed, Kate took a sip, held it within her mouth while breathing, then swallowed and she was able to identify what was used to flavor the wine that was in the box she was asked to sniff. Kate was surprised that she was able to smell lavender and then taste it in the wine. This may expand the cooking and tasting experience.

by Allison L. Williams Hill

Spirit of the Island 1, Detail 2 by Allison L. Williams Hill

Use this method the next time you cook. I am sure it is used by chefs or by anyone or industry that involves our taste buds. Breathing is important. Arrange a plate of herbs to be used in a recipe. Relax the mind. Breathe deeply a few times.

Select an herb. Look at its form- leaves, stems, etc. Close your eyes. Touch the bundle to your forehead and then breathe in its scent. With eyes closed, visualize what the bundle creates for you. It can be anything.

Prepared Food 2

You have connected a vision with the scent. When you eat the dish prepared with that herb, as you chew and swallow, are you able to identify it? Are you able to see the image it created? Attempt this with other herbs and spices and meals that you prepare. Also attempt this with meals you do not prepare and ask the preparer for confirmation about what you perceive in the dish.

Flowers Tulips by Allison L. Williams Hill

Use the same steps for flowers. This can help you determine not only what flowers smell great to you but the medicinal and spiritual values of those that serve you.

Relax and center yourself. Focus on your breathing, slow it down. Breathe in eight counts; hold for four counts, and breathe out eight.

Select a flower. Feel it with your fingers. Appreciate its qualities - the petals; its color, the aroma, and everything you notice in a flower. Notice also how it makes you feel.

Purple Flower

Close your eyes and touch it to your forehead and your heart. Use visualization, or kinesthesia, or auditory senses to focus on what the senses receive.

How does the flower make you feel?

Does the flower have a sound? What do you hear?

Do you see anything? Is it a memory? Is it a painting? Is it a texture?

Search your body. Does the flower connect with a physical part of you?

Can it be used to heal?

These are the notes of the flower and what it means to you.


You can do this with crystals, with water, anything you desire to use to improve life for yourself and others.



Altar Within

Food and Energy

Food and Color

Color and Blood

Herbs of the British Virgin Islands



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In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program



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