Welcome to Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art.

In(tuitive)-Vesica Healer Symbol by Allison L. Williams Hill


n(tuitive)-Vesica is here to support individuals who are ready to understand and enhance their lives. Recognize the importance of every aspect of your life and take proactive steps, because you are the key to your success. Your role is crucial in your growth journey.

If you don't, who will? If you don't do it now, when will you? Affirm that you desire to live each day when you wake up. But to choose that is not enough. How do you choose to live it?


Celebration! by Allison L. Williams Hill

One can achieve better health and happiness by recognizing the importance of what one’s life has and needs and taking action to improve it. Your needs are valid, and understanding them is a crucial step and an essential part of your well-being.

Better health and happiness include looking at our health histories, our lives, and metaphysical experiences, such as moments of profound connection, spiritual awakenings, or unexplained coincidences that can provide valuable insights and pave the way for personal growth.

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Merge with Krishna by Allison L. Williams Hill


Original art work by Allison L. Williams Hill for purchase.

Above is Psychic Art, an energy drawing generated from a question; Soul Portraits and Energy Readings are offered.


Psycho-ecological Design addresses your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual desires.


Akashic Angel Reading Channeling  Color Healing Dowsing Intuitive Visionary Healing Past Life Regression Sound and Color Healing Services


  Get a free 50-minute Health History. Go to In-Vesica/Health for details and see if the In-Vesica 6 Month Integrated Health Program is right for you.

Life is a trip...

...a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Take a moment to acknowledge your progress, whether it's through education, work, relationships, or...whatever.

We are Spirit in learning. We chose to be here. Our existence is a physical demonstration, a phenomenal commitment to how much we want to grow and become.

Through the information and artist, designer, energy healer, and health services offered here, I hope to help you navigate parts of your multi-faceted, multi-dimensional Self.

You may:

  • Experience a closer connection with Spirit;
  • Learn to love and appreciate yourself more;
  • Understand underlying issues in your life;
  • Realize your life's purpose;
  • Work through layers of programming and conditioning to free your true Self;
  • Find peace and experience joy, and
  • Integrate your Higher Self during your continued human existence, or

Just live in ways in which you haven't allowed yourself. I will be grateful to those to whom this appeals because we already agreed to convene. You are not just a client but a co-conspirator in this partnership that moves us forward.


Allison Williams Hill

My aunt, a Minister, said to me today on her birthday, “We take the Master with us.”

I thought:

Wherever we go, we take the Master with us.

However we live, we take the Master with us.

That you are alive is the evidence that this is so.

No one has to believe in the Master.

We take the Master with us.

We do not have to believe in the life-saving quality of air.

Belief or acceptance changes nothing.

July 18, 2011


The above meditation mandala will be available soon.

Visit Allison L. Williams Hill's Art Gallery.

Read about Alvin's Incense Burners made from recycled glass!

They make excellent gifts! Genies not included.

Now That Your Eyes Are Open

Above, looking West on Drake's Highway, Tortola towards the Caribbean Sea

by Allison L. Williams Hill

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